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majorp's Posts

They have some hope for that to happen. If the play park was to go ahead, how many extra people would it attract to the lawn/town over those that already use it now? Pie in the sky if you ask me.

4 Jul 2018

There is a lot of talk about our high streets becoming ghost towns. Footfall has gone down significantly, which means there are not so many potential customers. Now when I was in business, I found in order to attract more custom, you lowered your prices. That is what many of the servivors in business are doing now. My take was and still is that it would be better to sell 10 items at 50p than ...

Well, we couldn't do nothing then about our rationed food except exchange what we didn't want with something that we did with someone else. So I doubt if it did happen and whose to say it won't, that anyone could stop it. If things are going tits up and the government appears to be struggling as to a way forward, then I suspect contingency plans for many things are already on someone's mind.

2 Jul 2018

Do you remember ration books???????????

2 Jul 2018

Lynne, I only know of two locally, but there are many more dotted around the country. Pinhoe Exeter has a huge freezer and cold storage for cheese, butter, some meat products, and the one at Cllumpton which I don't know too much about but I am told it is mainly to store meat. So when you are told it is fresh -really, because how would you know?

2 Jul 2018

Do you remember we used to have food mountains. Well now they are still here but they will only last about 6 -7 weeks. Butter, meat, vegetables, included. So who is doing the scaremongaring now?

And not all of them are live - they couldn't afford to do that. So today Cowley Bridge road is alive and maybe Topsham Road is dead. Tomorrow they liven up somewhere else and kill off a live one. Nowing which is alive and which is dead is the problem. So we must assume they are all alive unless you know how to tell the dead ones.

elf safety, what would we do without them?

In vestigation on going as no train driver reported a hit.

I have started this new topic as I think it deserves a place of it's own. It is showing me once again how LA's can lie with impunity and think they can get away with it. And that goes for smaller outfits such as a Town council. There is some knowledge of this from the topic, Playpark on the lawn. I started to investigate what was happening to Berry Head car park when someone cried for help ...