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BOO HOO's Posts

They most probably have had enough of Dawlish and done a swimmer, seeing as their wings are clipped. Best of luck to their new lives in sunny Torquay.

The minority of selfish people spoiling it for the majority as usual.

1984 IS HERE TO STAY, in my opinion.

You know this is just all hot air, the hospital will be closed all part of the government plan.


Its a field with a small car park rather extreme calling it a country park

Should be used to house anyone illegally trying to get from France to the U.K. and when full ship them back to France.

Just building on every other free space in Teignbridge instead.

Force this on your employees and expect to pay out a lot of dosh in compensation to quite a few employees.

Council tax
20 Mar 2021

All those elected officials know how to do certain things very well ... waste tax payers money, fill their pocket and tax us to the hilt.  Whether its local councils up to central government. Throughout this SCAMDEMIC have you seen any of your bills reduce? no, but I can bet many of the services have. The added bonus is that in many cases if you do not pay the increases the bully boys will be sent ...