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General Discussion

Based on the lack of activity by the councils in the last year we ought to be getting a reduction for this year and a rebate for last years pathetic efforts. Oh I forgot they need the extra to top up their salary increases and pensions....silly me. In a fair and just society run by councils and a democratically elected government in a far, far distant Galaxy you would see costs going down, ...

Pics taken around 17:00 to 18:00 hrs 03 03 2018...roughly an hour or so before high tide. Very calm with no wind to speak off. The site of the previous damage with its new high sea wall, below.

Coryton cove
1 Mar 2018

S~@T happens.

Priorities of our government:- Approx forcasted spends Big ben restoration £61 million Westminster restoration £4 billion HS2 £60 billion Buckingham Palace restoration £369 million UK debt currently £1,737 trillion Where does most of this money come

Seeing as it was reported by several groups and media outlets that  '77% of Dawlish residents voted in favour of the play park on The Lawn' . That being well over 10,000 residents in Dawlish, although all residents of Teignbridge were also allowed to contribute to the questionaire, 77% of 10,000 is, I wonder, under a 1,000 ... I think not. lies, damned lies and statistics.

Pics 22 02 2018
25 Feb 2018

Typical local council initiative to just pass the buck for over half a year and say Oh! it's not my problem its their's. Good old tax/rate payers money being well spent, I think not. You could put 10 bins at the location and it still would not stop those commiting this lazy act of littering. How about getting a 'working group' of criminals from one of our districts jails to go and clean it ...

In my opinion the last thing on the council and Lawn groups mind will be a cost effective, practical and pleasing to the eye band stand. Call me cynical, but I would not be surpised if the 1,2,3,4,5 and 6th thing on their mind is a very expensive, ill thought out  playpark for a minority of people to use seldomly during the summer months on The Lawn. Use the play park near the Manor House and ...

Pics 23 02 2018
23 Feb 2018

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