I have been a cyclist, motorcyclist and car driver for many decades, keep to the highway code and respect most other road users. These cyclists were riding contary to the highway code. To slow traffic from a national speed limit to an 8 mph crawl is dangerous in itself and for the sake of a hobby for health and/or relaxation is, in my opinion, irresponsible and an outright act of selfishness to ...
On my drive back to Dawlish from Exeter I happened to come off the A380 and over the mini roundabout onto Colley Lane B3192, the road that runs passed the Ashcombe Adventure centre and on up passed the golf course on the way to Teignmouth. As luck would have it ,bad luck that is, a group of around 10-12 or so lycra clad louts on cycles were in front of me and several other cars. During the ...
You don't need a working group, just leave The Lawn alone.
Sigh! XERGP Monde.
The Dawlish Post states 'The owner was said to have run off from the area after being confronted with a group of about 20 passers-by to get the dog off the swan'. Were you one of the 20 or so passers-by who actually was willing to help? I would like to use this thread to get info on the description of the owner/dog and if any video was taken of said owner/dog I would appreciate a link to it on ...
κατά τη γνώμη μου, it would seem that because £20k is available for the building of the mini under 8's play park on The Lawn. A further large amount of money maybe wasted building yet another white elephant in Dawlish. It's no wonder Dawlish's appeal to visitors is indecline even though large sums of money have been spent over the last few years. As long as funds to develop Dawlish ...