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BEE9's Posts

The right to freedom of speech is allowed as long as it falls within the boundaries of the LAW, so it is a freedom with limitations and not a right to say anything you wish if it offends and/or causes fear/stress/panic/etc,etc,etc. Similar to saying you can do anything you like, but having to bear the consequences if what you have done is against the law or offends someone/group/minority if you ...

Independence Day
24 Jun 2016

The vote was in favour of exiting, but it's now up to the government if they see fit to act on the wishes of the people! Stop having a go at the webmaster, any of you lot want to take on the role, if not give the person a break. Morty Vicker or who ever the nasty person is should be the one getting the attention not the webmaster.

I was on my way to N Abbot a few days ago and there were two lycra clad lads on racing bikes who took it in turn to move several feet out from the curb. From what I could observe they were merely doing this to block traffic from getting past them.You can't talk to these people as you just get your car kicked or verbally abused or both. Who do these cyclist think would win if push came to shove? ...

@DJ ..stop whining, you are sounding more like morty. if someone wanted the info it is not down to you to whine on about why they want it.

20 May 2016

@Morty Vicker - why not?

Just happened to be walking by the church yesterday evening and captured this on my phone, quality is okay, but not brilliant, apologies. Fantastic air display in its own right. I'd like to see the Red Arrows perform a display in these numbers.... now that would be a sight to see. Amazing sound coming from so many martins. ...

@Morty Vicker - when will you advise the forum about the catering outlets, it would be good to know before the event.

Took these yesterday evening. First time I have seen a pair of white swans on the brook, at least they can fly away when they want. Nice to see the young ones and the white swans making an appearance.

@slargemail - i agree that many people do not vote in elections, probably because they feel they are rigged anyway. millions of people voted for ukip and they only got 1 mp! compared to a lot less votes for snp and they got 56 seats. the democratic voting system does not give a true reflection of the votes placed and until a tick box for 'none of the above'   is placed on every election voting ...

10 May 2016

Democracy in this country, as far as I am concerned, is a thin veneer hiding a mountain of corruption and criminal activity by those who were elected by the voters, with the promise, to manage this country in the best way for those who live here. Actually the reality, in my opinion, is many in power use it to personally profit and move themselves up the ladder of power. Many decisions made are ...