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General Discussion

I don't recognise all those brands but the ones I do know are most definitely not downmarket.    You get more overpriced tat in M&S these days.

23 Jul 2015

See you at the bench afterwards Elvis.  I will bring some Prosecco and plastic champagne flutes to raise the tone.

23 Jul 2015

I am too.  We know the boozers don't look good for Dawlish but then neither does the shabby viaduct, the bandstand or the permanent scaffolding by the Teignmouth Inn.     Ban them and they'll just move to the sea wall.

I agree on the trust issue, but then I didn't vote for a Tory council.      I doubt they're 'coining it in' though, more like cutting their cloth accordingly.

23 Jul 2015

So Ka-ching for the Council and ka-ching for the council taxpayer.    Or would you rather have a council tax rise to increase council revenue. Those brands are definitely in Princesshay, maybe if you don't buy for teenagers you wouldn't know.  And if they're tat they're expensive tat!

Same as what happens now, except allocate the increased tax revenues to provide better care for those with no assets.    But no, that pot is getting smaller because £325000 tax free wasn't deemed enough of a windfall for some.

Yes. TDC should just have put up a sign pointing to the other toilets instead of ineptly presenting three portaloos as their 'Welcome to Dawlish Warren'.   Let's face it, most people who park there are heading in that direction or are heading to one of the pubs.

Instead of increasing the inheritance tax threshold, maybe they should have reduced it to zero.  Old folk could then have guilt free way of providing for their care - spend it while you're alive otherwise it goes to the state, not your kids.  Isn't that the purest form of re-distribution of wealth ;)

If you want 24/7 emergency phones at Boat Cove, technically perfect parking notices which are regularly inspected, maintained public toilets, free green waste collections, funding of Red Rock, integrated social and medical care for the elderly then expect to pay for them.  But if you don't want your council tax increasing and you voted Tory to keep your taxes down then don't complain when the cuts ...

19 Jul 2015

This is boring.  OurSoul is contributing to the debate,  just because you hate someone doesn't mean you have to diasgree with everything they say.  Let it go you people, you're showing yourselves to be no better than what you say OurSoul is.

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