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Beezlebub2000-Flitflot's Posts

Sorry about the duplication of this post The planning application is to be considered by the TDC Planning Committee on Tues 23 Sept. a committee made up of Councillors. Here's the thing, if you are an objector or a supporter,  you have had only eleven days notification of the meeting telling you that only ONE objector or ONE supporter can speak at the meeting.  If you are a third party to a ...

The planning application is to be considered by the TDC Planning Committee on Tues 23 Sept. a committee made up of Councillors. Here's the thing, if you are an objector or a supporter,  you have had only eleven days notification of the meeting telling you that only ONE objector or ONE supporter can speak at the meeting.  If you are a third party to a planning application you do not have the ...

Travellers have a new site being built for them in a lovely woodland situation in Haldon Forest.

Looked at the link, I always thought there was a high security unit at Langdon.

One hopes that Teignbridge Planners are well informed by independant consultants. As Planning Applicants and their agents often try to pull the wool over their eyes, and in turn the eyes of third parties.  Often 'pure fiction' is by deliberate omission. But does this figure have to be accurate?  I would have thought so, from what I understand the solar power industry is subsidized by the tax ...

29 Aug 2014

An objecter ( A smart grid consultant) to the Ashcombe Solar Farm has calculated that the 71 acre array will only generate power for 324 homes.   The applicant 'Solstice'  has stated it will power 2,100 homes.  It is a big difference.  Are there any power experts out there who can do the Maths if so, how many homes do you make it? ...

Can any one tell me,  are the social benefits of money offered to communities by applicants (as in this case) relevant to the decision, that is ... are they a material consideration.

My family and I have had a great time over the Carnival and Air Show Period we have supported all the events on the lawn.  None of which would have happened if the open space was greatly diminished. Spent yesterday on the playing fields  watching the red arrows etc.  The children and grown ups had a marvellous time running around, doing handstands, kicking a ball around and all for free,   again I ...

The Devon Garden Trust submitted some interesting comments to TDC regarding the Lawn We would ask you to persuade Dawlish Town Council to reconsider their proposals and, rather than introducing more clutter onto The Lawn, to seriously consider commissioning a Landscape Strategy and Management Plan from a landscape architect specialising in historic designed landscapes to ...

I just get the impression that our society is hell bent on the development of public open spaces. (and worse still nature reserves) and for what ... all in the interests of ching ching cashing in.  Where are we now, waiting to see what we can get away with, what can be built on the lawn, like there is a crack in the planning policy that protects it just waiting to be opened up and exploited.   The ...