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elvis presley

elvis presley's Posts

All sniping , same shit , different day.

11 Feb 2014

Somerset levels get flooded weeks ago, oh that's  a shame. Dawlish loses it's railway line, people are evacuated. Oh dear, never mind. The Thames, bursts it banks, houses flooded. All hands to the wheel, we'd better do something.

David Cameron
11 Feb 2014

Yes he can't stand dogs.

What If
8 Feb 2014

Fred, you're  a visionary.

Speaking for myself, I never paid National insurance, or any income tax from 1986 until I retired, so it's all freebies for moi.

8 Feb 2014

To numerous to list. Mr Cameron and his band  of merry men  ensure that I want for nothing.

Aid to Syria
6 Feb 2014

Will the real smella please stand up?

3 Feb 2014

That's not any proof of what's occuring in Syria.

3 Feb 2014

Is this supposition, or have of you any firm evidence that that it the case?

3 Feb 2014

That's interesting roberta, please enlighten us, where does it go?