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Webmaster's Posts

NOTE: I have modified the wording of this thread as it got a bit 'racist' and so may have changed the truth-value of some of the posts (well, actually all of them). So please don't think the views expressed here are anything to do with the contributors.

Common Sense
29 Aug 2006

Please can I remind users that NO ONE is anonymous on this discussion forum. Each time someone contributes to the discussion his or her IP address is recorded along with the date and time and can be traced back to the account holder of the IP address (or if it is a non-static IP address, who was using the IP address at the time). I realise and agree that some of the comments on this site are ...

Thanks for your opinions. We did intend to release a new dotNet version (aspx rather than asp) of this site at the start of the year, which would give the site more manageability. However we do believe that people have the right to their own opinions, and introducing censorship may only put people off contributing - resulting in a narrow-minded set of views. I think some visitors have not ...

Discussion forum
27 Aug 2005

There are 2 numbers representing views & replies. Mindful is refering to replies which are on the main discussion page. The threads show views which are the number of times someone has looked at the message.

Good to see you back missdee. Story can be found at But, is it the dog's fault or the owners?

Also semantics like '):, ;), :(' all have meaning on the internet, but are not part of any language. So, my point is, don't waste your time worrying about whether every word you write is 'correct'. If some pedant points out to you you may be be wrong, make a mental note & move on. Generally, they are pointing out something you already know or have learned, but forgot...

12 May 2005

This discussion forum was put in place for those interested to discuss anything, be it about Dawlish or not. There are no rules about spelling or grammer & if your grammer or spelling bothers you, use a word/grammer checker (MS word for e.g.) & paste your opinion. if others are offended by your grammer, then remind them this is not an English exam, but an internet discussion forum. Also one ...

IF ANYONE RECEIVES AN EMAIL WITH AN ATTACHMENT STATING SOMETHING ALONG THE LINES OF:- "Dear user of, Your account has been used to send a huge amount of spam messages during the last week. We suspect that your computer was compromised and now runs a hidden proxy server. Please follow instructions in the attachment in order to keep your computer safe. Sincerely yours, The ...

IF ANYONE RECEIVES AN EMAIL WITH AN ATTACHMENT STATING SOMETHING ALONG THE LINES OF:- "Dear user of, Your account has been used to send a huge amount of spam messages during the last week. We suspect that your computer was compromised and now runs a hidden proxy server. Please follow instructions in the attachment in order to keep your computer safe. Sincerely yours, The ...