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General Discussion

To Site Owner/Admin. Re: these forums

James Bartlett
James Bartlett
15 Aug 2006 16:37

Can you please implement some sort of registration process? Please, please, please! This site and forums could be a good resource for local people, but all that appears on here are a few sarcastic or insulting comments from people who hide behind their anonymity. I'm considering creating my own site but you've got the domain name! :-) There are plenty of free forums out there on the tinternet, please could you investigate. It would improve this site no end.

Oh and if you need any help managing this site if you've got time constraints, etc., I'm happy to give some time to it.


an ex resident
an ex resident
15 Aug 2006 16:41

I agree - I don;t visit much now but I have been appalled by the recent threads on gang warfare and there was a particularly nasty, offensive bit of racism from someone calling himself emperorsolazroom - this was actionable and I hope it has been removed.

15 Aug 2006 20:58

Thanks for your opinions. We did intend to release a new dotNet version (aspx rather than asp) of this site at the start of the year, which would give the site more manageability. However we do believe that people have the right to their own opinions, and introducing censorship may only put people off contributing - resulting in a narrow-minded set of views.

I think some visitors have not followed previous posts and are not aware that there are some very sardonic contributors here who have been here since the start.

The new aspx forum will have both a login forum and an anonymous forum, along with some categorisation, which I think would suit most people.

Hope this helps.

Emperor Solarzoom
Emperor Solarzoom
16 Aug 2006 02:37

What was that then? Me enquiring if the Dawlish Black Swans were black men.

Thats a legitimate question.

By the way, the IP records shown here are a de facto tracking mechanism

James Bartlett
James Bartlett
18 Aug 2006 09:00

That's the point. Those few sardonic people who seem to reply with a sarcastic comment to every thread are the ones that are putting normal users off using this forum. It certainly is me and i contribute to a number of forums - this is the only one that doesn't have registration. In fact, it's the only one i've seen on the web for sometime that doesn't have registration - it's a normal part of the internet and i personally don't think it would detract from this website or discourage people from posting. In fact, i think it would encourage more posting and more discussion. Registration in forums is an expected part of the user experience of the web and it's there for a very good reason - people don't tend to post rubbish if they can be traced or can't post under various pseudonyms. The rubbish on here far outweighs any genuine opinion and discussion, until that's resolved this forum will remain underused.

18 Aug 2006 15:06


18 Aug 2006 15:06


18 Aug 2006 15:10

Sorry about that - think fingers..

Anyway, I dont think registration is necessary or helpful. Moderation is what you need. Someone needs to keep it clean and relevant (on-topc) Maybe even a team of two or three people.

18 Aug 2006 19:15 all know what to do. it's like when people complain about sex and violence on TV. you have two simple options. don't watch that particualar program or turn the tv off.

same applies to this site. if you don't enjoy debate and sometimes a bit of banter find another forum. I believe the BBC have a localised Devon forum.

Someone in Dawlish
Someone in Dawlish
22 Aug 2006 12:56

I have to agree with the comments made earlier. Just looking through the forums posted I am quite disgusted by the language used in some of them. It is totally unneccesary and shows Dawlish to be quite an unpleasant place to live. Particularily the language in the forum discussing the Old Brewery Bar!

I am all for people having the right to their own opinions, however if potential visitors to Dawlish come accross comments like that I cannot see them wanting to visit!

Please get better control!!!!!

"Funny" people (i.e those who think they are being wry), should be put up against a wall and bulldozed.

On this forum we toe Allah's line

1) The carnival procession is good.
2) The property market is run transparently.
3) There is no dog sh*t problem in Dawlish.
4) Freemasons do not control the local council.
5) Dawlish's restaurants provide nutritious food at low low prices.
6) Everything is great and not a cause for satirical derision.
7) James "Interesting" Bartlett should dictate the rules, and if you don't like his rules, you should pi$$ off.

Dawlish business owner
Dawlish business owner
29 Aug 2006 14:01

What has to be acknowledged is that one persons sense of humour is anothers cause for offence. I agree that people should be able to express themselves and there are forums/sites that will allow this.
But when you have a website that was (only a couple of years ago) promoted as a marketing tool to local business's the 'webmaster' has a responsibility not to allow anything that may damage the business that have advertised here. This town is dependant on the holiday trade and it is vital that we all take care to safeguard that. (my business is one of the few that doesn't so I'm not speaking just to ensure my own livelihood)
By the way Ayatollah there are a lot of female councillors -they can't be masons, sometimes being 'sardonic' or 'entertaining' would be funnier if you checked your facts.

202 64 244 50
202 64 244 50
30 Aug 2006 08:33

Prove your claim! Lets see some nude photos of such geriatric Dawlish crumpet !

Dawlish business owner
Dawlish business owner
30 Aug 2006 13:11

Go to the town council's website, all the councillors are listed ther but i defy you to consider any of the crumpet!!

Mr Spock 303 cal
Mr Spock 303 cal
12 Sep 2006 12:38

James 'Interesting' Bartlett is quite right in what he says. Freedom of speech is all important but that does not extend to writing salacious and probably libellous gossip. Sometimes it is necessary for a Moderator to remove or amend postings. The use of obscene language is another point in issue. Though it does not bother me personally, I am sure that it does bother others and those posting such language should bear in mind that youngsters also trawl the net!

The other criticism seems to be that most write under "pseuds" ( made up names) but I can't really see that, if the forums were properly policed, which they are clearly not at the moment, this should be a problem.

So James, if you are wondering who Mr.Spock(.303 cal)is, think of two noisy black hounds!

Have a nice day all and keep cool.

a person who cares
a person who cares
12 Sep 2006 13:07

Mr Spock.

You are to put it mildly a plonker ! take your educated garble else where. No one wants to listen to you. Your points are not valid and we don't care who you really are.


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