Why should the surgery contact patients to remind them they have an appointment it brings to mind teachers phoning pupils who are perpetially late or worse knocking on their door to get them up. We have become a country of individuals who dont take responsibility for there actions me i am always 15 mins early for any appointment. We live in a nanny state and i for one don't need a nanny to ...
Soldiers have always collected bits and pieces from the battle field i know i did, to me the phone is just a piece of history. Mein Kampf is still available should we have a burning on the Lawns demanding ever person who owns a copy burn it.
Well said Fred couldn't agree more.
The point is if you dont attend a appointment you deprive someone who could be desperate of that oppointment who then goes to AE and clogs up the system. When goverment propose a charge for seing a GP folk are up in arms and yet dont seem to care about not attending appointments maybe a deposit scheme would work say £20 you dont attend or cancell you lose your deposit.
Put it in your phone 01626 888877 in this day and age is it not one of the numbers folk would automaticaly store in there mobile.
250 people failing to turn up for appointments is 41.66 hours of appointments taking appointments are 10 mins each thats one days worth of appointments wasted each week, if that is the case only 80% of appointments are being used maybe a fine should be levied.
There will be accidents, consider a car wanting to turn right towards Exeter it's madness who ever came up with the idea needs their head looking at.
Well people i have never had a problem always get a appointment the day i phone never had to wait more than a few hours to see the Doctor of my choice.
I looked at the new houses at the Sainsburys site a while ago for a friend they are like cardboard boxes you can put a little pressure on the internal walls and they move i wouldn't buy one if they were half the price.
One of the men was from Dawlish the other from Sunderland so lets hope they get a good few years in jail and maybe it will be a deterrent to others and well done to Devon and Cornwall Police for the quick arrests.