@Brooklyn Bridge - thankyou for the info. thefts seem to have got so bad in the co op. I happened to notice they had a couple of burly security guards by the tills/booze a few days ago.
@Brooklyn Bridge - !
@flo - can you please explain what you define as a kid, because from my observations kids up to ages of 16 have been congregating on the lawn and the cove for many years now, sometimes still in school uniform. drinking and being verbally abusive. it doesn't mean all kids in dawlish are like this, just a minority. i respect your opinion, but please respect others on this forum as well.
Now wait for all the mountain biker's to take this as a challenge and bump up/down the steps, cynical...yes, I know I am. Other than a gully parallel to the steps I see no accomodation for cyclist's as was mentioned in earlier recomendation documents pertaining to the construction of this section of the cycle pat h:- ...
It's all been said before on this site, but I will say it again:- Expensive cctv installed and not used to its potential, if at all. Kid's in large groups drinking alcohol, shouting and swearing on The Lawn and the Cove. Dawlish drinking club drinking alcohol/drugs, camping out on The Lawn/Cove. Satellite police station closed down on The Lawn, not that it was ever used to its ...
The play park for The Lawn is not needed nor wanted by most Dawlish residents, I would suspect. The dubious, so called public consultation was a sham, whose questions merely asked where the park should go without any questions asking if it was wanted in the first place. To top it off the comments that you were allowed to make on particular question, in my case i stated numerous times it was not ...
@Stark Ross - uhm! in the article they also say that the fleet is 36 and then later they say it is 93.
Time will tell, but I doubt it unless it has been designed as a submersible train.
@webmaster - i find dawlish.com is a bonus for dawlish when threads are not hijacked by certain user's/ex user's. i for one enjoy contributing to this site and fully welcome the increased policing, as to what certain user's have done in the past, that is the past. keep up the good work.