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Lynne's Posts

The Autum/Winter edition of The Town Crier has now been published and is also online The TC's lead article is about the need for more child minders in Dawlish and to that end an informal coffee morning has been arranged at Gatehouse School next Wednesday 22nd November from 9.00am - 10.30am for anyone wanting to find out more about becoming a child ...

these based buildings & employment space - an ideal location for a child care nursery?

13 Nov 2023

The following two planning applications are on the agenda at the TDC planning committee meeting being held on Tuesday 21st November at Forde House, Newton Abbot. Meeting starts 10.00am. Planning Application 22/01067/Maj DAWLISH - Gatehouse Farm , Secmaton Lane Proposal: Reserved matters application for 205 dwellings , landscape works, public open space, play space and infrastructure ...

And that damage was done by a storm not coming in from the east. What might happen should we have a storm of similar strength or more that does come from the east? Especially to those areas that are flat and/or below sea level. Damage? Floods? Wakey! Wakey! Dawlish Warren and Starcross. see

Dawlish and Teignmouth Town Councils are backing a campaign by the Friends of Dawlish Hospital to re-open the minor injuries unit at Dawlish hospital. They need to know if you or anyone you know needed the service and it was not available. Fill in a paper survey at the Manor, Strand Centre, or Library or fill it in online or talk to Geoff at the ...

A Friends of Oakland Wood facebook page has now been set up which is concerned with preserving Oaklands wood and the three adjoining fields as they are. ;

23 Oct 2023

Just to point out that as much as I would like to think that the land west of Teignmouth Road (that's the three fields inland opposite The Smugglers pub) is now saved from being developed that is not necessarily the case. When the Local Plan is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate sometime next year the examiner can rule, if they think it appropriate vis-a-vis national planning and housing ...

Dawlish doesn't have a Neighbourhood Plan.  Other parishes do though. There was an attempt some  4/5 (?) years back to get people involved to produce one but nothing came of it. Are you confusing the terminology Neighbourhood Plan with that of Local Plan? (There was however,  back in 2012, a 'Neighbourhood Plan' produced by the good people of Dawlish but this was all part of a pilot ...

I wonder if AMM could give us an update on the lack of child care provision in Dawlish.

Just had a look at the planning docs. Seems it's Taylor Wimpey that's developing this land. Taylor Wimpey, along with Bloor Homes, are the developers for the larger tract of land that was once Gatehouse Farm land where some 400 homes are scheduled to be built in the near future. Hope the link road and its necessary bridge across Shutterton Brook is in situ before all that building work ...