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Rainbow's Posts

Plenty has been said about eating places,what about drinking places here's one for starters. Mount Pleasant Inn is a right rip off place. £6.50 for 2 pts of guiness, now there's a bargain and who is the landlord? none other than the a town councillor by the name of Wally Protheroe. Cheers!!!!!

The Ugly Duckling
12 Apr 2007

How did CCTV get hooked up with the good food dished up in the Ugly Duckling?

Audit Commissioner
11 Apr 2007

The Commission was not very happy about what it uncovered – or failed to uncover because of the sloppy manner in which the council had gone about spending £80,000 of taxpayers money on CCTV. The Dawlish town council are very sloppy in many areas. Transparency does not apply to them, the standards set by the council are not applicable to them and there is a very real need to change the way in ...

If you have a very bad Town Clerk, you will inevitably get a bad council. Lets hope that after the May elections there will be councillors who are prepared to take him on and not pander to his expensive needs. We need a Clerk that is honest and does not mislead people. Who employed the one we have now? "those other dishonest members of the council", I wonder?

1 Apr 2007

Any thoughts on the new allotment site (Brown's Brook) and it's facilities? Should the council have wasted tax payers money on a leased site for a term of five years (One year gone already) or should they have sought another site which they could purchase using a tiny fraction of the money raised from the sale of the Leonard Lamb. By the time all the bills are paid for CCTV (close now to ...

Miss Whiplash
20 Mar 2007

Lies, damned lies and the Mayor of Dawlish, the Reverend Doctor Tom Bush You might, said Carlyle, prove anything with figures. This is a notion to which Dr Bush clearly subscribes. Whether he has proved anything, or simply revealed a cavalier disregard for the truth, is another matter. On March 14, Dr Bush was quoted in the Dawlish Gazette – in an article that clearly emanated from the Manor ...