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General Discussion

The Ugly Duckling

11 Apr 2007 14:33

I am an old Dawlishian and have eaten in most of the eating places in town most of which have been above average but for the Ugly Duckling which has been exceptional for its expertly cooked fresh food.The proof is in the eating and the wonderful service which is extended to everyone

11 Apr 2007 17:27

we av eaten at the ugly duckling on numerous occasions and av always found the food excellent and the service second 2 none . the food is freshly prepared and cooked to order and too a high standard . having tried other restuarants in dawlish we would highley recomend people trying the ugly duckling for themselves .

monty burns
monty burns
12 Apr 2007 16:11

yeah if you like burgers and chips greasy spoon all the way

General Lord Kitchener
General Lord Kitchener
12 Apr 2007 18:21

I blame the CCTV for this.

King Harold
King Harold
12 Apr 2007 18:22

No. I blame declining western civilisation.

General Lord Kitchener
General Lord Kitchener
12 Apr 2007 18:23

No, your quite wrong. CCTV is the cause of the decline of Western Civilisation as well.

J Edgar hoover
J Edgar hoover
12 Apr 2007 18:26

Did CCTV kill JFK?

General Lord Kitchener
General Lord Kitchener
12 Apr 2007 18:28

Yes. CCTV is the root cause of all evil in the world. CCTV killed bambi, Cock Robin and is also implicated in the dissappearance of Lord Lucan.

Lord Lucan
Lord Lucan
12 Apr 2007 18:29

Yes, it's true. I was minding my own business, when i was abducted by CCTV.

General Lord Kitchener
General Lord Kitchener
12 Apr 2007 18:30

Told you so.

12 Apr 2007 18:33

How did CCTV get hooked up with the good food dished up in the Ugly Duckling?

change the record
change the record
13 Apr 2007 16:28

poor grammar and repetative, burger and chips must be the only thing you order as this is all you seem to whinge about

monty burns
monty burns
15 Apr 2007 16:17

you are all idiots stay on the subject at hand

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