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Joey Deacon

Joey Deacon's Posts

Hi Anon (are you the same Anon, or a different one - oh my gosh, it's so difficult to tell?!!) Are you looking forward to the Dawlish Carnival and to the joy that it will bring to the faces of people young and old? I apologise if I come across as an enthusiastic, happy and positive person who loves this wonderful little town. I also apologise for having the intelligence to understand the ...

1 Aug 2008

Hi Anon. The definition of subjective is: "Based on personal feeling or interpretation; not objective." The definition of numpty is: "An idiot or fool." I can't wait for the carnival and all the happy smiling faces of locals, visitors and charities. No doubt there will be some miserable people who don't like to see people enjoying themselves or hate to see Dawlish being portrayed in a ...

1 Aug 2008

Dear Anon. You say "I'm not". But you're anonymous, so how do we know who "I" is? Very odd (and strangely familiar) behaviour. I guess it's just an oversight on your part. For the record, the Carnival is about so much more than the narrow and subjective description that you provide. So, to enlighten you and others, here is the full programme of events. It all looks like tremendous fun and will ...

1 Aug 2008

Hi Viaduct, Are you looking forward to the Dawlish Carnival? Regards, Joey.

Dawlish Town FC
31 Jul 2008

Hi Viaduct, Do you want Dawlish Town FC to do well this coming season? I assume that you will wish them well. Regards, Joey.

Joey Deacon
31 Jul 2008

Hi Viaduct. I'm glad that you think 'my' list is profound, as that reflects my personality - i.e. marked by intellectual depth. Are you looking forward to Carnival Week? I bet you can't wait either! 40 years it's been going - wonderful positive news for Dawlish! Where's the ex shop keeper gone? No wonder his business went bust, if his attitude to polite questions is to ignore them! Regards, ...

Weekend Weather
31 Jul 2008

Let's hope for another cracking weekend of great weather so that it draws the crowds into Dawlish and the Warren. Plenty have posted about their plans for the weekend - I only hope is that the weather's as fantastic as last weekend. After all, people are always much happier when the sun comes out. :)

Joey Deacon
31 Jul 2008

I got the Subject and Name the right way round this time! Are you looking forward to the Dawlish Carnival?

If only I was as handsome as he is! Does this count as taking to ones self? ;-) PS I'm not Chicken Shed either, not that the nutter (whose messages I'm no longer replying to) will believe me.

31 Jul 2008

anon - you know as well as I do that we're the same person...