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Dullish's Posts

The only embarrassment is you and your pathetic attempts to claw back credibility with laughable statements and plebeian thuggery. No wonder your mind is limited if you hang on every word of the woefully inept Dawlish Gazette. In the meantime, the actual truth will continue to be put in the public domain on websites such as Dawlish Live. Biased Civic Journalism is dead. Best get yourself up to ...

28 Aug 2008

Witter on you deluded fool..... Your small pathetic mind exposes it's limitations, with daft assumptions such as; not believing I live in Dawlish, even though I have stated that I do. Then you claim a victory because one of my responses was longer than previous responses. Like I stated don't even OWN your own mind. You are a puppet of those you protect. Also, what is this desire to ...

28 Aug 2008

Wiped the floor?! What threads are you reading? The Truth doesn't OWN his own mind.....let alone anyone else! Why do you all spit your dummies out when you are faced with the truth of what takes place in Dawlish? Are you so proud of your town that you are willing to sweep corruption under the carpet?

28 Aug 2008

I see you are resorting to your chicken shed profanities. Would you like me to run through and paste ALL of your pseudonyms? I love my town. I prefer not to use it as a big PR project to line my pockets financially, like you and your kind do, at every opportunity. I prefer a true, balanced view....which you are against as you have a financial vested interest. As for The is so ...

28 Aug 2008

I most certainly do live in Dawlish! Difference is I have this terrible habit of wanting to tell the truth about our town. Have you tried it? The truth? From the truth?

28 Aug 2008

Such a heartfelt posting chicken. Your slimier than the sewage that floats off Dawlish beach....

A nerve has been touched, especially when you peruse stentorious Ted Hockin's defensive pleading in the Dawlish Blahzette.

Very defensive and dismissive response chicken shed. Can't you at least acknowledge the abuse that takes place in the name of charity?

Whoever said British holidays were back in must have forgotten the soggy reality Start New Thread From The Sunday Times August 24, 2008 The wind, the rain, the child-hating waiters . . . Whoever said British holidays were back in must have forgotten the soggy reality Eleanor Mills This year it was all about the stay-cation; a mixture of the credit crunch and green one-upmanship was leading ...

From The Sunday Times August 24, 2008 The wind, the rain, the child-hating waiters . . . Whoever said British holidays were back in must have forgotten the soggy reality Eleanor Mills This year it was all about the stay-cation; a mixture of the credit crunch and green one-upmanship was leading the most unlikely types to boast about how they were shunning their usual couple of weeks in the ...