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Mcjrpc's Posts

Politics aside, not putting the events schedule on line is a mistake in my opinion.  Had I known the details about the raft race and pram race in advance, I'd have forked out £20 to take part instead of the £2 I've just spent on the programme.  Too late now, our plans are made. There seems to be an assumption that everyone is somehow in the know about Carnival Week when in fact there is an ...

I don't think the issue of dog poo will be unduly burdensome, I'm sure responsible owners will continue to bag it up and dump it on my road. Signs on the walks round Mamhead encourage people to use sticks to flick it in the undergrowth, I've never noticed a problem up there.

What's wrong with Morris and McGinn? I find them helpful and prices aren't bad either.  I'd rather buy from them than from sheds like B&Q when I can. I'd like to see a few decent restaurants, over and above the egg, chips and beans establishments.   Shame Ten Green Bottles didn't last long as a restaurant, it was heading in the right direction.

Pink house
30 Jul 2013 I've seen worse.

Oceans B&B
29 Jul 2013

Thanks, I stayed at the Blenheim years ago and liked it.  Always thought that Oceans looked a bit off putting, particularly as it's right on the front, but have never had the nerve to go in and enquire!

29 Jul 2013

Anyone know anything about this place. as it never looks like it's open. There are a couple of bad reviews on TripAdvisor from 2012 so I suppose it must be but I wondered how a big place like that on the front seems so quiet.

Dredging the Brook
29 Jul 2013

There is a notice at the Wildfowl Centre hut referencing this study and pointing people to this on the Teignbridge site. Incidentally I thought Dawlish derived from Devil Water after the red waters following heavy rain.  Seems more appropraite than Black Stream - anyone know for sure?

Based on recommendations I went to Rock n Sole with large orders but twice came away with the wrong food packed.  Thankfully Model Fish Cafe re-opened as the much improved Chip Ahoy so we go there now.  Even so, a visit to any chip shop is an expensive business these days!

When I first encountered what I think are the 'alkies' under discussion here, I was uneasy. As it happened I was friendly to one of their dogs and as a result ended up having a reasonable conversation with them.  Can't help feeling sorry their lives have gone that way but maybe if they're not treated like pariahs, they might not behave so anti-socially.  I saw one of them being turfed out of the ...

A few days ago Cllr Michael Clayson posted up a PDF of the Town Crier.  In it was an article about the Town Manager's role, encouraging people to contact her with ideas, concerns etc with a view to making Dawlish a better place.  Why not raise the issue of dredging and the boating with her, sounds like it's her job  to pursue such things. Her details are Emma Kay. 07841 ...