and remember if a couple are both over 60 it only gets paid between them
Shop ------ seems you dont know Dawlish that well
Coop had then on sale NYE
Excellent comments!!! Agree stop foreign aid/ immigration / and get out of the EU maybe we would be in a better position then
Brooklyn I agree with everything you say and Nelson the lights over the Brook are under the control of TDC now, and were switched off I believe (October) the end of the holiday season. TDC obviously think the residents dont need them on. Im wondering if the Swan light is something to do with Network Rail and the revamp of the viaduct
will put mine in my recycling box
Got told today by an employee
Opening Jan 14th
Merry Christmas Don and you webmaster, and to all forum users
The ones over the Brook are controlled by Teignbridge now and theyve not switched them on!!!