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Mcjrpc's Posts

I wondered it it was possible that Coryton Cove could ever win a Blue Flag or whether it involves factors beyond its control e.g. size and tidal effects.  Here are the criteria:

I kinda think the court is the best place to establish the facts, not this forum

Yes, let's keep the trolls off, we don't want posters just stirring it up for the sake of it.

I don't know how it works but I doubt NR are responsible for the state of the promotional signage.  Fair enough if the people who run it can't afford to replace it, but it's a disgrace, just take it down!!

14 May 2014

It doesn't look like a bandstand to me!   I think the roof is disproportionate and out of kilter with the space it occupies.   What about a grass seeded roof in keeping with the lawn?

13 May 2014

Carer, I don't care for bullies either yet it seems to me you single out Mrs C at every opportunity.  Like her or not she at least is even handed when she dishes it out, she doesn't try to form a clique to have a go at one person in particular.  Stick to the topic and move on. I don't think the lawn should be given over to a playground either, there's already a decent one up by the Manor.  And ...

13 May 2014

The Strand's a fiasco??   Overall I happen to think it's much improved and the free half hour parking is most welcome.

Looks like tolerance won the day...


TDC has insurance on the structure but the Holmans said they were unable to obtain business insurance because of its proximity to the sea.