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Mcjrpc's Posts

After last year's shenanigans I resent a penny of my money going to the Carnival committee.  I'd happily forego the tired old float parade in favour of different and more able people organising the week. It's already been proved events can be done better.

Advice please
5 Jun 2014

Wow Onport1968, you're a charmer.

How old is the hospital?   Am intrigued to understand whether it was design, materials, workmanship or act of god that caused the roof to fail.  My mother's 60 year old roof is still watertight without any work ever done to it.  Sign of the times?

Don't know if your needs match but if you are offering a good home try

Thank you for your kind offer Mr Nance, but no.

I pasted 'Buy and sell sheet music 2014' into FB search and it came up 'no results'.  Then did the same minus the spaces and got no resuls either.   What era/genre of sheet music do you have?

Nat West Dawlish
30 May 2014

Same here, I've had an internet bank account since the early nineties and very rarely go into a branch.   However, if they're all competing in the online space to sell their mortgages and other products, they'll live or die by their marketing as the local branch won't be their shop front.  They've no doubt done their sums and think it's worth it.

30 May 2014

Flo you can pay cheques into most of the main banks at the Post Office.   Ironically Nat West is one of the ones you can't (and the Post Office Card Account!)

29 May 2014

So the branch is closing in September? Maybe Paddy Power could take it on and book end with Bet Fred.

Well if it does get the go ahead I'm looking forward to the overhanging roof along the side making a handy shelter for illicit smoking, drinking and urinating.   That'll be my evenings sorted.