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Mcjrpc's Posts

Unsurprising comments from those not affected. I can assure you that 'industrial sized' trains  passing every now and then is far less intrusive than cars passing by every minute on a highway, that's presumably part of their decision to live there.   Yes, they should be relieved their homes might be safer but is it out of the question that the wall could be three feet lower and be just as ...

Clive, it was 7 years ago and I doubt anyone bothered to read all their big talk.  Dawlish is hardly in the grip of gangland warfare, unless you think the Snide Six are a force to be reckoned with.

What a tragedy, I hope the poor woman knew very little about it.  Her family and friends will be living with that agony.

Trouble is Clive, many people believe freedom of speech is more important than offensive statements so I guess we have to live with them. Stephen15, thanks, I wasn't worried, I was taking the mickey (but obviously not very well!)

16 Jun 2014

Is this April Fool's Day, am I in an episode of Ashes to Ashes, has Key Green just come out after a 7 stretch?


It's the lycra, it seems to get some people more het up than white van man could ever aspire to.

Needs to be able to fit tiles around nooks, crannies and curves!  Thanks.

Nat West Dawlish
8 Jun 2014

I'm all for candour.  So where's the candour in winding up posters on this forum with insinuation and setting up a fellow councillor for vilification?   It's the method not the message I find underhand. That's politics for you though.

8 Jun 2014

So one councillor disagreed?  It seems like the rest were supportive of the idea and got the ball rolling, isn't that a good result?   Let's not have a witch hunt.