B ,,you have summed yourself up well there with that colourful logo. Thank goodness people are sensible enough not to want Labour back. I can remember so many saying in the days of Mr Blair at Budget time, all he does every year is hit the working man with higher tax on, cigs, petrol and booze. Perhaps you want that back again...many dont. People have short memories,
Lynne ..you could say ...why not have a limit to so many cars people can own? So many people have 3 to 4 to a house...things cant be that bad! So much envy now.
If you hate this country so much B....is it time to move to a different one? ..plenty want to move here!
Cant think anyone would want to go back to strikes every day and black outs. End of the day its all about 'envy'.
Paul is right there and most agree.
Tony Blair last ngiht on Sky news would not comment on what Ed is doing re psssible black outs. .. he looked lost for words.
He would do better ... kicking a ball around lol.
Yes Burneside I agree.. hope educated are the majority, mind if 16 year olds vote they will go the RED way. I have no idea where Ed is getting this money from to do what he wants to do. Lynne ..thinking on the right tune for you!.
Ok if you dont mind paying increase tax on your wages to pay for it!
Oh heck..save us!.. now he wants to go back to British Rail Nationisation ...where someone in government draws up timetables!...you have to remember how every one hated BR and how trains didnt connect with anything. Get hold of an old timetable and you will see what I mean. The old advert ........'were getting there' .....they never did!.