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General Discussion

02 Oct 2013 12:08

David Cameron

Land of opportunity - What a fantastic speech!

4 Agrees
02 Oct 2013 14:06


1 Agree
02 Oct 2013 14:13

You can stick with Red Ed and his black outs, the rest of us don't want to go back several decades.

Ultimately the Conservatives are for people who want to get on and make a nice life. Whereas Labour is just about handouts to the idle.

5 Agrees
02 Oct 2013 14:29


02 Oct 2013 15:22

Here are the key points from the Conservative leader's speech:

  • Labour left Britain at crisis point
  • Three years on, 'we are beginning to turn the corner'
  • Deported Abu Qatada
  • Labour at fault for Mid-Staffs care scandal
  • Scottish independence: 'We want you to stay, we want to stick together'
  • Big applause for the armed forces and social workers
  • Margaret Thatcher - Britain's greatest peacetime Prime Minister
  • Land of opportunity for all to buy a home, get a job, start a business
  • Labour's anti-business plan to increase corporation tax: 'It's crazy for our country'
  • Possible future tax cuts as economy recovers
  • Schools reforms working well
  • Tough immigration rules are working
  • No dole or housing benefits for under-25s
  • 'Land of despair was Labour but the land of hope is Tory'
3 Agrees
02 Oct 2013 16:34

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3 Agrees
02 Oct 2013 16:39

don't worry Brazilnut, have some prunes or something, that will soon sort you out.  Would hate to think of you suffering with constipation but strange that you should bring the subject up on so public a forum.  Must be a very bad case.

3 Agrees
02 Oct 2013 16:42

@Brazilnut, you've got no real response as you know the truth.

The Conservatives are the only party that can actually run the country and are currently proving so.

Labour are just a joke. People who want a future for themselves and their children don't vote Labour.

5 Agrees
02 Oct 2013 16:52

If nothing else Paul your fawning makes me chuckle laugh

02 Oct 2013 17:13

@Brazilnut - as do your endless links to huffington post and other left wing "news" sites.

2 Agrees
02 Oct 2013 17:27

now,now lets not be picky, I do put some links from the Tory Mail :)

02 Oct 2013 18:03

B ,,you have summed yourself up well there with that colourful logo.


Thank goodness people are sensible enough not to want Labour back.

I can remember so many saying in the days of Mr Blair at Budget time, all he does every year is hit the working man with higher tax on, cigs, petrol and booze. Perhaps you want that back again...many dont.

People have short memories,

3 Agrees
02 Oct 2013 18:07

I hated BLAIR, and his new tory labour!!!! I go back further than tha, and I would have thought you would have been in favour of that, lol

1 Agree
02 Oct 2013 18:10

Boer War?

1 Agree
02 Oct 2013 18:38

The Conservatives should invite the EDL on board then we may see some real progress, dont forget to support the Exeter march next month

3 Agrees
02 Oct 2013 19:07

@Brazilnut, face it, you're a True Blue Tory and you just like to play devil's advocate.



02 Oct 2013 20:34

No Paul Im a Red Devil would never support anybody in Blue, Cmon United !!!!

02 Oct 2013 21:09

Just one point here isent the pratt thats just given the go ahead for hundreds more uneeded houses next to Sainsburys a Conservative and by doing so has he not overruled one of his own party controlled planning offices at Teignbridge. Double standards here I think. Perhaps Pickles and Billson would make a good name for a development company. Or has it something to do with Sainsbury's being a main financial backer of the Conservative party

1 Agree
02 Oct 2013 21:14

defentiley agree with wonderings post  the consertives are proving that they can run the country things have got better since the consertives came in and swept up the mess that labour left us in  labour are a absloute joke vote conservities for a better future for all of us ALL ONE UNDER DAVID CAMERON UNITE A VOTE CAMERON NOT THAT JOKE MILIBAND. 

2 Agrees
03 Oct 2013 10:00

@FredBassett - Lord Sainsbury bankrolled labour to the tune of millions during the blair and brown years, and only turned off the donations when miliband became their leader.  it would seem sainsburys switch allegiance at the drop of hat.

03 Oct 2013 12:12

listening to the different party conferences it would seem that no matter who you vote for they all think it is better to build over huge swathes of countryside and on various other discussion threads on here the same people who are against Dawlish expanding with new housing, say how awful it is that there aren't enough small properties for people.  

03 Oct 2013 12:17

Im all for the right sort of housing !!! Social Housing need to build a million, get the economy going and then there wouldnt be any need for the bedroom tax, winkmore people off the dole in jobs

03 Oct 2013 16:12

We need more housing and yes some of it should be social, but the majority should be normal non-social.

04 Oct 2013 15:27

Why Paul?

04 Oct 2013 15:46

Because it is normal to pay for things in life, plus no one really wants to live in a tiny flat or tower block. Perhaps some people's ambution is to live in a crumby place but the majority of us aspire to a nice large house, garage and garden.

04 Oct 2013 16:07

Typical Tory Mantra Piffle, what a prat you are, one minute going on about spending all weekend in the pub, next spouting politics but then maybe you are p***ed all the time and really live in a dowdy bedsit with a sad life and come on here to make your day more interesting. What makes you think people who live in Social Housing DONT pay for things in their life?

04 Oct 2013 16:37

Not sure how I choose to spend my time or money has anything to do this.

Generally social housing is small/cheap which makes sense and yes we clearly need to build more houses. However not all the houses we build should be social, some yes, but most should be normal houses that people can buy.

1 Agree
04 Oct 2013 16:39

You havnt answered my question, shall I repeat it

04 Oct 2013 16:46

At no point have I suggested that people in social accommodation don't pay for their lifes. What I've said is most people want to be able to buy a nice house, if all the new houses were social then that would not be possible.

I'm not against social housing but it isn't for everyone.

04 Oct 2013 16:52

tell that to the 2million on the waiting list for Social Housing who cant afford to buy or even qualify for a mortgage, and my social house is very nice thank you, I take pride in it and treat it as if it were mine. Nobody is saying houses for people to buy shouldnt be built, but the way these developers are going they will be left with houses on their hands. I dont believe in social housing being built amongst houses for people to buy, Council Estates are much better , because you dont have the snobbery of us and them

1 Agree
04 Oct 2013 17:42

I agree with you roberta that more social housing does need to be built, I also agree that not all social housing is small, or pokey, or crumbly or just plain nasty - but some of it is.  Also, whilst you are very proud of your house and treat it as your own, not everyone does.  It was a generalisation on Paul's part that clearly wasn't thought through properly.

I have to disagree with you though about mixing social housing in with other housing.  Fair enough on some "executive home" type estates it would be daft to put a little enclave of smaller social housing in the middle of it, in fairness if I wanted to BUY a smaller house and it was surrounded by those type of home I wouldn't want it to be there and would choose for preference somewhere else, but on larger housing development where there is a good mix of smaller and larger properties I can't see any reason why you wouldn't want to have a mix like this.  From my experience growing up very near to a very large housing estate, and even more not that far away, many of them became almost ghettos with that exact "them and us" mentality you talk about.  Well how is that healthy for people on either side?  It wasn't healthy then and it certainly isn't now.  The children all usually go to the same schools, people shop in the same shops, use the same transport links etc - so why separate them out totally on where they live?  Far, far better to have a mixture of housing together and then there will be FAR LESS of this THEM AND US situation.  And from my experience growing up it was the children who saw through this and mixed quite happily together and visited each other's homes.  It was the adults who seemed to have a problem ON BOTH SIDES.

1 Agree
04 Oct 2013 17:59

and in part I agree with you on the mixed estates, but said what I did because Ive been party to some unpleasant comments recently from people who have bought on the new housing developements, and now they are complaining about thetype of people who are moving in. Ive lived for many years on estates and still do, previously married quarters as my husband was a Marine

05 Oct 2013 13:02

The sensible answer here would seem to be build employment potential not houses. Its total madness to build hundreds of houses in a part of the country that has very few jobs, and those it has are either seasonal, part time or poorly paid most being all three. We need to be looking after the local born and bred that need housing assistance yes, but to encourage benifit depedant families from other parts just because its a nice place to live is totally wrong. The answer has got to lie with secure, full time, well paid employment. People with good jobs and reasonable pay dont need social housing, our local youngsters trying to get on in life do. 

Instead of keep harping on about building social housing why not take the opposite view, build some decent £500,000 upwards detatched properties for wealthy business types and lets see if we can get them to move their businesses to the area in the hope of gaining some jobs.


05 Oct 2013 13:06

Disagree Fred, all you will get is "Escape to the Country" types who are semi or retired proffesionals, business people wouldnt move to Dawlish.

1 Agree
05 Oct 2013 13:39

Fred's right. I moved here and have a successful business.

Semi & retired professionals would be good as well as they could probably afford to use and support local tradesman, possibly creating new jobs.

05 Oct 2013 18:15

I am a retired professional. I worked in London for many years and wanted to retire to the country as London had lost it's fascination for me.

I chose Dawlish for two reasons. One, I have family in Starcross and Teignmouth. Two, I have always liked Dawlish and the people in general are very friendly.

I use the local shops regularly and only use the out of town supermarkets once a month to stock up on some of the things that the local shops do not sell.

Of course I can afford to shop local and I am fortunate to have a car as well as a free bus pass. For that I am very grateful.

As for social housing, I think that it is really necessary as there are plenty of people who do not have the financial means to buy their first home due to poor wages and also there are those who are unable to work due to illness or disability who would never get a mortgage. I understand that the Local Housing Allowance will cover private rented accommodation but even so, the local situation re private rents is that they are quite high for an area like this, (from what I have seen anyway).

Social and private housing in mixed estates can work although that always depends on the individual families. It's people that make this country what it is, not how much money or property you have. Your attitude to your fellow human beings makes all the difference, rich or poor. 


5 Agrees
01 Nov 2013 11:16

When will people realise that these clowns in Parliament are merely puppets who read and do as they are told by the organisations that atually run this country for their own pocket. The fact that we have a 'suppossed' democratic society is pure smoke and mirrors. By allowing people to vote at a general election it gives the populace the impression that they have a say in how this country is governed. I'm afraid that  is very far from reality. I suppose ignorance can be bliss for some though.

Nanny taxi
Nanny taxi
03 Nov 2013 14:14

FredBasset I agree with your comment 'Instead of keep harping on about building social housing why not take the opposite view, build some decent £500,000 upwards detatched properties for wealthy business types and lets see if we can get them to move their businesses to the area in the hope of gaining some jobs.'  Teignbridge has already asked local businesses in 2003 about their views in relation to business needs and what Teignbridge offers and what it is lacking.  Basically what came out of this was business people want to live in nice housing, as close to their place of work as possible to reduce travel costs and time wasting.  They also need access to a skilled workforce who live local to their place of employment.  Transport links are important, but not for every company, however broadband is, which Teignbridge are aware of.  Basically Dawlish has got a lot to offer with new units going up behind Sainsbury's and the fact that Shutterton Industrial Estate is not to full capacity and has began to smarten itself up in recent years.  With the new housing comes new skilled people, who instead of having to travel to other towns could be retained by local businesses.  The Dawlish Parish Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Report August 2011, also had someone highlight the lact of actual Executive housing, so you are not the only one.  I know quite a few local business people who are looking to move within Dawlish.  These people have one main gripe that there is no modern executive housing being built and some would like to self build, but have no chance of aquiring a site big enough to put an executive home on!  At present Dawlish is in a poor position to attract external businesses when we consider we are competing against the likes of Exeter and Torquay who have a higher proportion of nice executive homes to offer!  We have industrial areas, but not the high end housing required by the successful modern business person, so are putting ourselves at a disadvantage from the beginning.  Without the housing we will remain mainly a commuter town for the other commercial hubs around us and our residents will bring prosperity to them whilst Dawlish declines economically even further!  So basically Dawlish needs an estate of high end housing near the industrial area and this needs to be promoted by local bodies that are in place to attract potential business to the area.  If they do not we have no hope.

2 Agrees
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