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HuwMatthews2's Posts

Good news and good luck to them! Why is it called 'Red Rock Cafe' when it's located under Langstone Rock? Red Rock is at Boat Cove. This could be why people were getting confused between 'Red Rock Cafe' and 'Rock Pool Cafe' at Coryton Cove on another thread.

All looks good to me ..... except (there's always one isn't there!) the play park equipment which is fine for a rural setting but will look cheap and unfinished in a town centre location. I think that needs a re-think.

It really doesn't matter where the money is coming from (after all it is ours!) - It could be spent more wisely on essential services.

Big companies can move into Minehead, build new stores, adapt old premises etc. They can't do that in Dawlish because of the vast size of the Conservation Area. There is no way that Dawlish will attract the big players to the existing Victorian/Georgian/Regency premises on offer - they are too small. So it really depends on what you want - lift the conservation orders and allow development ...

Try this: I think some may be surprised where their policy preferences lie.

I like it! The bandstand is long overdue for replacement and this, though modern, does not look out of place. I shall call it....The Woodlouse.

The primary reason for people voting UKIP is to wake up the mainstream parties to the fact that many people in the UK want control of policies taken away from Brussels and returned to Westminster. Primary among these policies is immigration (which is totally and wholey divorced from racism). Last year NET immigration to the UK was 212,000 people - the Govt. was happy with this because it had ...

@ OF "The wasteland at the end of Meadow Park would only be seen in that light by a person who has little or no appreciation of the amazing wildlife that inhabits these area's"

Lynne,  They're cheap (or even free!) so I'm just chucking them anywhere. I won't go through the LAs....probably have to risk assess, buy PPE and close several roads per packet of seeds sown! Hedgerows seem to be where many grow naturally and steep banks where the mowers don't go.

@OLD FART - you're wrong (but then personality comments usually are). @Cassandra - no. but i do live in an area which may be subject to massive development in the not too distant future.