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Joey Deacon

Joey Deacon's Posts

Why do you think I'm a member of the Carnival committee? Why do you think I post on here as Chicken Shed. Why do you now post on here as "Anon", Roy? Like I'll get an answer...

5 Aug 2008

Would you care to point it out for me please Roy? But of course you won't will you, because you're all bluster on here. All copy & paste, no action.

5 Aug 2008

How many people are waiting for you to either drop dead or emigrate? I know which one I prefer for you - put it this way I wouldn't want to inflict you on another nation (Zimbabwe, excepted). "Rainbow", your first ever posting under that particular pseudonym on this forum is still available for all to see - you nasty little bigot.

5 Aug 2008

Oh dear! The neersayer's at it again. He wants the carnival to be a failure! He HATES Dawlish and he HATES good news! He's even gone as far as to register on this website as "crab" (yet another alter-ego) and posted this (same old drivel) on the General forum: . . . What a grim little town Dawlish is. So grim in fact that half its residents seldom if ever venture to the town at all (so ...

Chuff off
4 Aug 2008

That was a quick meal! Are you on a liquid diet perchance? Now that you're suitably refreshed, do you fancy answering the question now? I'm sure that the thousands of people that you claim view this forum are all on the edge of their seats waiting for you to tell me what you mean by "my kind"?

4 Aug 2008

Off you trot ***. You proven without doubt that you only have whinges. Never answers. Jog on Roy, you're a hollow shell...

The Motorist
4 Aug 2008

You really are an utterly inconsistent moron. I suspect you're an alchoholic - hence your projecting re. that sad subject. Your facade is crumbling around your ears, Roy (I mean ***). You've already written (it's there in black & white, buddy) that "a thousand maybe more" different people view this forum. You wrote that less than an hour ago, for goodness sakes. You're not all there are you ...

Chuff off
4 Aug 2008

Wrong!* What do you mean "my kind"? The only society I'm a member of is the National Trust. I AM a director of one company based 200 miles from Dawlish, but that costs me money rather than earns me money. So what do you mean by "my kind" receiving back-handers? *I watch the repeat on Sunday evenings...

The Motorist
4 Aug 2008

Hmmm, all the thousands of individuals who read this forum can't wait to read what you mean by "my kind". Come on, tell me what "my kind" is. You see, yet again, you avoid answering direct questions. Is that because you have no answers - only whinges...? Catching out delusional keyboard warriors is like shooting fish in a barrel. I've been doing this internet game for 12 years, mate, and you're ...

Chuff off
4 Aug 2008

Please answer the question ***. Do you regard a salary as a backhander? Wow you really ARE a Trotskyist! Excellent.