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Guba guba

Guba guba's Posts

Do your maths 2 people have 2 kids they also have 2 thats 4 more people wanting a roof over their heads or are they all expected to stay as home till the parents die

23 Feb 2008

Ben Hur Most of the kids that went to school with mine have had children are they all going to leave to live somewhere else? get real populations EXPAND

23 Feb 2008

The local population is growing i.e. kids grow up have kids they grow up have kids etc where are they going to live people are living much longer in their own homes consequently less housing available from that sector. Holiday lets are growing again less available housing. Where is our growing population going to live if there is no expansion?

why does the council need new premises.Another way of wasting council tax? For all the good they do they may as well have their meetings in a pub, Oh forgot meetings are "not open the public"

Our M.P
20 Feb 2008

Pocklington is in East Yorkshire where there is little crime and it is very beautifull. The whole of East Yorkshire is the same. I wouldnt want to live in Plymouth for the same reasons you wouldnt live in parts of Yorkshire

19 Feb 2008

I think letting a house or flat out for maybe 8 weeks of the year is morally wrong and driven by greed.Its cheaper to go to Spain in the summer than rent a holiday house in Dawlish. From what i can make out from goverment and other agency web sites Devon has the most unaffordible housing plus 3 times the national average second/holiday lets.If this situation continues where will young families ...

19 Feb 2008

Homeless According to local goverment figures the % of second homes you have stated does not take into account houses/flats let to holidaymakers then empty rest of year, it is very difficult to get the true amount of these

If the local shop keepers oppose a market they are being short sighted, i dont think the council would allow it. There is even a craft market in Teignmouth triangle every Friday in the summer. our local shops need to re invent themselves to encourage people.

Our M.P
18 Feb 2008

I let 2 flats to people on housing benifit they are long term tennants never been behind with there rent on the odd occasion Ive been round to them there homes are immaculate.its a misconception that someone on benifits or low wag are somehow the dregs of society

There are small shops in Pocklington and 2 large supermarkets, it doesnt have the bonus of holiday trade either and its Thriving I must be thick because I dont understand Dawlish be any different, someone please explain. Maybe a weekly market is the answer