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Elm Grove Road and new houses at Gatehouse

23 Feb 2008 10:46

Just thought I'd point out that I believe the main vehicular throughfare for this new residential area is to be along Elm Grove Road.

Brilliant! (NOT!). That will mean more cars gong past two schools (Dawlish Community College and Gatehouse Primary).

And what clever Dick thought that up?

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
23 Feb 2008 10:54

"And what clever Dick thought that up?"
The same dickhead that is planning to build more properties anywhere in Dawlish. Where ever there is a proposal to develop any more in the Dawlish, Teignmouth, Starcross, Kenton or Exminster area's, it will bring about huge problems for everyone.
Traffic, traffic and more traffic to name but just one problem.

Guba guba
Guba guba
23 Feb 2008 13:02

The local population is growing i.e. kids grow up have kids they grow up have kids etc where are they going to live people are living much longer in their own homes consequently less housing available from that sector. Holiday lets are growing again less available housing.
Where is our growing population going to live if there is no expansion?

23 Feb 2008 13:53

I wasn't saying I didn't want expansion. I wasn't saying that I didn't want new houses built. I was saying that I thought it stupid to the point of dangerous to have the main throughfare in and out of this new development going past two schools.

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
23 Feb 2008 15:36

Guba guba you cannot be real. The population of the indigenous folk is dropping rapidly. Years ago plenty of families pre TV had 8, 10, 12 and even sometimes more children in their families, a rarity today wouldn't you agree?
Ask Teignbridge council where they get their figures from for those in need and you will not get them. Why? because the figures they have now are only projected not fact.

Guba guba
Guba guba
23 Feb 2008 17:16

Ben Hur Most of the kids that went to school with mine have had children are they all going to leave to live somewhere else? get real populations EXPAND

Guba guba
Guba guba
23 Feb 2008 17:18

Do your maths 2 people have 2 kids they also have 2 thats 4 more people wanting a roof over their heads or are they all expected to stay as home till the parents die

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
24 Feb 2008 11:01

Math's done!!!
If we did not have so many immigrants to add into the equation, then you would find that the population in this country has actually gone down.
So when your children go to work, they are actually providing accommodation for those that they have to compete with through the taxes they will be paying.
Affordable housing is not a free bus ticket.
What is there in Dawlish for any youngster wishing to earn a decent living?
Ask the tenants of the Mount pleasant Inn (you know the ones) who think they are the pillar of society and who pay their staff (most, who are under 18 and on a pittance of a wage) whether they could afford an affordable home here in Dawlish, I doubt it!!!!!
Affordable housing is just another name for council housing, make no mistake about that. The tax payer will always pay for something they haven't got a clue about.

Guba guba
Guba guba
24 Feb 2008 11:47

Affordable housing comes in a variety of ways part ownership where the person pays mortgage on their share and a bit of rent. Tennants pay rent for council/housing association homes. As you pointed out wages round here are rubbish young adults cannot get on the housing ladder or afford the astronomical rents on the paltry wages.

24 Feb 2008 20:12

Affordable housing, council housing, social housing call it what you will - housing is needed for those who do not have the financial wherewithall to buy.

25 Feb 2008 05:03

"housing is needed".
Is that a pipe dream, or do you have the facts?
I do not see row upon row of tents full of people waiting to get into a house.
If as is proposed, they build for a start 200+ houses on James plantation, where will the people come from to fill them?

25 Feb 2008 07:24

In 2006 there were 4,199 on the Teignbridge Housing Waiting List.

Now, admittedly, Dawlish is only a part of Teignbridge but that should give you an idea of the possible housing need in Dawlish.

Also, remember, not everyone who is looking for housing registers their housing need with the local council.

I hear a lot of people say that they children have left/will be leaving the area because of the cost of housing.

There is a need.

25 Feb 2008 10:58

What you need to look at is, the way in which those figures are collated.
There are a number of housing societies in the Teignbridge area.
It looks impressive for Teignbridge to declare there are a number on their books, (gives them justification to build more). But when the figures are analysed a different picture can emerge.
Remember the old saying, "There are lies, Damn lies and Statistics."

do care
do care
25 Feb 2008 11:15

My kids moved away for 3 reasons better work opportunities better pay and cheaper housing. Do not understand why some people are against expansion are they all inverted snobs

25 Feb 2008 14:32

4,199 is not a % it's a figure.

Whilst I agree that how figures are arrived at can be challenged I cannot for the life of me work out how you think there is no housing need here.

25 Feb 2008 15:42

I think a lot of people need to wake up.
Dawlish has grown over the last 50years, I should know I have lived here that long.
I have seen a number of estates built over that time. Unfortunately we have to move on even if it means building more homes and introducing supermarkets to Dawlish.

25 Feb 2008 18:53

Unless there are new rules in physics, you can only get a pint in a pint pot. That is the problem with developing more. There is too much in the wrong place. Where ever you try to develop (be it commercial or residential) in Dawlish, the artery is the A379. We all know what happens to arteries when they get overloaded, they call it heart attacks. With roads it is called congestion.

do care
do care
26 Feb 2008 16:20

Rover what to you suggest people stop having children because they will have nowhere to live? Youngsters leave Dawlish at 20 so they dont need housing in Dawlish?

26 Feb 2008 19:25

Well some people plan a family, others haven't a clue what family planning is.
Why doesn't everyone go out and buy a Rolls Royce?
Ans: because everyone can't afford one.
Same applies or should apply to planning a family. You don't have what you can't afford.
Oh yeh! I know we live in a plastic card society, where people thought and still think it buy's you whatever whenever. So if you want to stretch your income limits to the extreme, carry on, but don't shout about a need that is self inflicted.

27 Feb 2008 21:31
Tax payers money finding it's way into developers pockets.

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