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annon's Posts

I think carnival week is great my kids who live up north come down for it cause they dont have processions up there. The pram race carnival air display raft race what a week enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. If it wasnt for the visitors Dawlish wouldnt be able to put on these events good fun is had by all

The fair pays enough rent to the council for the lawn to be re seeded etc. Whats wrong with having the fair its been coming for years.

sorry meant baked in a pie. Also my friends dogs are afraid of the swans whenever I walk down the lawn I notice dogs give them a wide birth'

6 Aug 2007

when I first moved to Dawlish 22 years ago the brook was teeming with wildfowl and no warden If a dog was attacking a swan can you imagine the noise the swan would create this wouldnt go unnoticed and someone would report the offence. Where have all the black swans gone probably sold off or backed in a pie

6 Aug 2007

those same risk policies etc apply in the schools in Caistor & other parts of the country if they can do it why not Dawlish schools that excuse is a cop out

5 Aug 2007

I am in Caistor lincs at the moment here the schools let the kids skateboard after school and in the holidays in their playgrounds why not one of the schools in Dawlish or Teignmouth offer the same

couldnt agree with you more its about time Dawlish did a lot more for the youth. Why a bowling green on the lawn and nothing for the youngsters. The playpark up the manor is so out of the way hardly any visitors know its there.It would be a lot safer on the lawn for children to go on there own or while their parents shop. I often park my car along Marine Parade I have never had any trouble or ...

get out dawlish
30 Jul 2007

Its not "newcomers" its people with holiday homes that are vacant most of the year and its the large influx of retired people who can afford expensive housing haveing sold a home that has little or no mortgage the penthouses in the old cinema in Teignmouth started at £500,000 new conversions in Teignmouth and Marine Parade start at around £200,000 there is no afforable housing being built for ...

I see that not one person has replied to "good things out of Dawlish" come on even I can find positive things. My mum lost her bag with a lot of money in it,it was handed in to the police.Its a good safe place for youg children,and people are friendly.

why not ask the carnival committee to help towards it their proceeds go to good causes