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General Discussion

get out dawlish

09 Jul 2007 21:31

if your under 23 I suggest you escape from the nether regions of darkest devon.dawlish is for the over 80s rich second (holiday home owners) and loosers,Take care the Dawthanian Mafia are out to get you into their false sense of security.Is wasnt previosly called dark devils water for nothing.

09 Jul 2007 21:33

if your under 23 I suggest you escape from the nether regions of darkest devon.dawlish is for the over 80s rich second (holiday home owners) and loosers,Take care the Dawthanian Mafia are out to get you into their false sense of security.Is wasnt previosly called dark devils water for nothing.

09 Jul 2007 21:35

I have lived in dawlish all my life whats wrong with it nothing other than it is now full of outsiders

09 Jul 2007 23:58

Why is it only the West Counrty have this awful obsession with 'outsiders'?

I assume people in Devon have holidays and I know some have second homes in Spain etc.
Dawlish properties are cheoper than the South Coast, Sussex and Hampshire..see 'Up your street' website.
Do you think a house price slump would be good for all? You can sell a house at a low price if you want to.

The so called 'outsiders or incomers' (oh i hate that) are only in Dawlish because people LEFT and sold their houses.

At the end of the day it is 'envy'.
What would you do if you won the lottery?

10 Jul 2007 02:59

Yes, the Brook is my unadulterated black pi$$. Why do you think the Swans are black (then die)

The stream's source is Hades itself.

Dawlish is Beelzebub's pissoir.

10 Jul 2007 16:02

According to the aboriginals Black swans are are very unlucky thats why we shipped em out Aussie Just my luck deposit myself place full of the bleeders
Devils water
devils hoof prints
Black swans
No wonder its full of holiday homes no one in their right mind would want live here unless they an Aussie

13 Jul 2007 11:19

theres outsiders all over england now not just little old dawlish we all have them why are you lot so down step in to the year we live and move with the times ..god

26 Jul 2007 01:17

Don't forget the satanic rituals that go on every Friday and Saturday night down the lawn. Or is that just a bunch of underaged drinkers? Both look the same to me...

26 Jul 2007 09:39

satanic rituals.
I thought those rituals take place somewhere along the Bartons and at the Mount Pleasant usually on a Monday

27 Jul 2007 16:22

I wasnt saying people shouldnt come here to live the point is Dawlish has a very high percent of older people large amount of retirement homes huge number of holiday homes that are occupied once or twice a year there is little for the youth in this town. This is why I have encouraged my children to move

27 Jul 2007 19:28

You are talking rubbish. The houses have not been vacated and so easy to buy. The folk of this area even though some of the kids work all the hours god sends can't afford a shoe box EVEN to RENT. That is why a lot of people are resentful of people moving to the area, their families can't get a foothold on a property and are forced to stay at home. That's not to say they are not wanted at home. But the natural order is that they want to get their own lives and no matter how hard they try CAN'T so stop your bleating, move into your house and at least remember to spend your MONEY in the town you have chosen to live in. You may manage to meet some of us like me who welcome "incomers" as long as, as soon as you get here you don't start whinging and moaning about the place not having enough going on to occupy you!!

27 Jul 2007 19:31

O Forgot to say it's not only this the westcountry that have this problem and it sure isn't envy and if I won the lottery I would try to find a large house in this area to live in and still use the small town shops to keep the individuality of the area (that so many "incomers" love and move to the area for) alive and thriving.

local guy
local guy
30 Jul 2007 11:50

u mean at the masonic hall ?

30 Jul 2007 17:42

Its not "newcomers" its people with holiday homes that are vacant most of the year and its the large influx of retired people who can afford expensive housing haveing sold a home that has little or no mortgage the penthouses in the old cinema in Teignmouth started at
£500,000 new conversions in Teignmouth and Marine Parade start at around £200,000 there is no afforable housing being built for renting or buying in this area what do young people do. Get out if they can.
The cost of private renting is astronmoical compared the the wages being paid in the area

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