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oblivious' Posts

Walked past what used to be Nauti Woods in Brunswick Place the other day and there are a couple of round clothes rails in there. The people who did the ladies clothes in there also run Dawlish Trader. Might be worth asking them if they still need them.

The people I have spoken to are very supportive and keen to see it happen. Perhaps it's just a case of only negative issues here attracting comments and the positive are received with a smile and a nod of the head!!!

Regenerate Dawlish
29 Oct 2007

Blah, blah, cctv, blah, blah, spawn of the devil, blah, blah etc etc. Not everything relates to cctv, not everything can be blamed on cctv, not everyone hates cctv - especially the young man who was attacked in the town centre recently and thanks to the cctv being watched and the police being alerted managed to avoid a serious kicking. Try telling people like that that it is a waste of money? ...

Baby Black Swans
24 Oct 2007

Last I heard (but I've been away for a few days) one was sat one by mum and the other two vanished overnight. If I find out more then I'll post it.

16 Oct 2007

I had a lovely meal at the Smugglers last week. Thanks Nick!!

the croft at cockwood
10 Oct 2007

Never stayed there but I have met the owners, very nice and you'd be sure of a good welcome. Two excellent pubs within walking distance that serve good food.

2 Oct 2007

PCSO's can only detain passive people who offer no resistance for 30 mins. They are not allowed to use any control or restraint. I've always been anti these 'plastic police' as I just cannot see the point - other than to hoodwink the public into believing that there are more police officers around than there actually are. Be honest - can you tell the difference from a distance? It's just a cheap ...

This is such a shame that someone had their holiday spoiled and as always bad news spreads faster than good news, so people will be put off of coming to Dawlish Warren for holidays. I completely and utterly agree with the comments that if you keep badgering the Police eventually they will have to do something about it. Just lately I've seen an idiot in a noisy white car hanging around the Elm ...

Surely the concern here is that a man is possibly following young women around and may well be using his camera and his 'working for the council' as a cover story for more sinister purposes. Not everything is about the cctv or the curtailment of dog owners rights. You did exactly the right thing in calling the police and telling them. If you chose to go back there to walk your dog please make ...

Which Council? For someone who appears very well imformed you must know what nefarious purposes these statistics will be used for.