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The Carnival Committee has requested that the events be removed due to copyright infringement of their brochure. For further information about the week, please refer to the official carnival website :

@Pete , I am just pointing out that I agree with others that bullying goes on on this forum. I wouldn't necessarily classify the activities as trolling except perhaps for gaz taylor's attacks on Andysport. My last sentence was meant for everyone except for those who already keep things impersonal.

31 Jul 2014

@Pete , Please read my posts:- Lets keep things impersonal on here.

31 Jul 2014

@roberta , please refer to my post:- I should also point out that bullying is harrassment which is already a criminal offence. Also, I am addressing the recent arrival of trolls.

@michaelclayson , the bullying on this site is a real concern but this is not just a problem for this site. Unfortunately, the 'reporting' function on the website only notifies me when a lot of people report a post. I do intend to fix this so I get notified even if 1 person reports it. The reason I let some remarks pass is because the other user has already responded by the time I have read the ...

@Lynne , @Andysport , you are right. After reading it in full, I don't see any reason for removing the thread. Perhaps, as you say, it would be best to let the debate rest unless new information becomes available.

27 Jul 2014

Before I make a decision, is it the case that the incident was arson and this is now definitive, and there was never any doubt among the police or the fire brigade that it may not have been?

@Mcjrpc , here are the links to the pdfs you sent me:- PlanDN512530 The Lawns Dawlish.pdf RegisterDN512530 Deeds.pdf

9 Jul 2014

@Mcjrpc , unfortunatly I don't think it is possible to upload pdfs at the moment, but if you email it to me - - I can upload it and post a link here.

ok, thanks @ramt65 for letting me know.