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Dave The Estate Agent

Dave The Estate Agent's Posts

FELLover - 699. For the record I'm not a foolish individual. I have an IQ of 142 which puts me in the top 99% of the population, I am a graduate of Cambridge University where I came out with a double First in Mathematics. I decided not to follow an acedemic route but instead have a life in Devon and use my skills elswhere. So for clarity: Genius IQ is generally considered to begin around 140 to ...

Used to be a case of - no problem constable, here's my "get out of jail free card" I'll see you right for entry into the "hand shake club"...mind how you go! Anyway I hope he gets the justice that we'd we'd all get.

FELLover - 699
19 Jul 2009

Just got back from my travels and I see FELL - 699 is back to his best; Saturday night, been on the sauce and resorts to the usual booze fuelled abuse of everyone on the forum. If abuse and threats are all you can offer then take a hike and leave the forum so others come back and add comments of value rather than the alcopop slobber that we have to endure after your moronic key strokes at 01:30am ...

Roddy in the VIP area?

UFO Sightings
7 Jul 2009

It was me :)

7 Jul 2009

What about the Terrace for a venue? Or Baileys if we want a comfy plastic / leather effect seat and a bag of chips?

7 Jul 2009

Dawlish Carpark Cruisers Dawlish Chippy Collective Don's Chubby Companion

Swine Flu
5 Jul 2009

Roy, I can't be ar@sed to comment on DRUGUSER4549 as you call him, same old drivel from a no mark racist cretin (as some would call him, "mind how you go sir"). Don Pearson or PJD as he's also known couldn't be bothered to response either to my comment about who's who - I was the only one who came clean about my identity; to remind you all again my name is Dave and I'm an estate agent.

I'm happy to come name is Dave. Is PJD any relation to Don J Pearson per chance...hmm not too challenging is it?

"Dullish" Exposed
30 Jun 2009

USER4549 I saw Dullish a while ago in the Terrace, on fine form although not able to cyber communicate. If I cathc up with Dullish again I'll ask what's up with the keyboard