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leatash's Posts

Corbyn is a man who wont even consider there is something wrong with our climate and has no backbone and openly admits he would not have targeted IS fighters in Syria the man really is a idiot. My hope is the parliamentary Labour MPs refuse to work with him a number of shadow cabinet ministers have already resigned and i hope there is more to come the faster he goes the better the mans a wimp and ...

12 Sep 2015

I have been a Labour Prty member for 50 years and have just cancelled my membership and all payment's to the Labour Party Corbyn if ever elected will put this country in serious harm. He has no immigration policy he would let any one in and has a deep seated hate of our armed forces the man is a idiot i just hope to god he never wins a general election.

Syrian refugees
10 Sep 2015


9 Sep 2015

I am not against allowing them into the Country Lynne what i am against is allowing in people that have not had background checks and that is exactly what David Cameron is doing keeping them in camps and doing the correct checks.   IS have openly threatened to put their trained fighters in with refugees they have to be weeded out or we will give them a free hand to do as they want.  If people want ...

9 Sep 2015

Not really pertinent to the UK in the 21st century.Question for Lynne: What form of virulent Christianity have taken part or been charged or detained under anti terror legislation in the UK.

8 Sep 2015

Now you are trying to provoke a reaction Lynne a question: What form of virulent form of Christianity would that be?

I have no bins so how do i get rid of waste everything more or less can be recycled from toilet roll holders to plastic bags from potatoes, cabbage etc alloy tops from varios products. Food waste i dont have any i shop by menu i produce a daily menu for 7 days and buy all the ingrediants on a Wednesday the following Wednesday my fridge is empty and i mean empty i waste nothing. Cabbage leaves ...

There is talk that the Police office is due to close but that apart with further cuts to Police numbers in the pipe line it may be we have a responce only Police Force in the future.

I remember well going to staff meetings and the officer in charge a lieutenant colonel saying we cant beat the islamic terrorist all we can hope to do is degrade him to the extent he no longer proves to be a credible threat.  Now i spent years degrading that threat i i dont want to see the efforts of my friends who are no longer hear to have their voices heard and have given their lives to see us ...

7 Sep 2015

Well monty Maybe it was the Arab spring that started the troubles in Syria the trouble is these people have fought amongst themselves for years my first tour of duty was Aden in the 60s they where killing each other then and they are still at it today. There are solutions to the Syria crisis the first is for Europe to give Bashar al Assad the weapons he needs to defeat all the factions that are ...