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leatash's Posts

I wonder how many folk in Dawlish really care going by the posts on here about 5 or 6 you could always march from Dawlish to T.D.C on the 15th and voice your opinions

5 Dec 2015

There has been site traffic passing the Schools for over a year the only problems have been parents who think its ok to park on double and single yellow lines. Now with a increase in population of over 350,000 people per year we need houses and have no time to pussy foot about the goverment wants these houses built and anyway Mr Cameron say's Teighnbridge is a bright light showing other ...

I get floodwater into my home 4 or 5 times a year and i live in Dawlish, why because the sudden downpours we now get   The sewers  just cant cope with a huge amount of water that normally falls in a very short space of time. Now we are not unique this is going on all over the country flash floods that overwhelm the sewege systems and its not going to get better it will get worse as the climate ...

There used to be but i haven't seen it for at least 18 months.

It's so simple farmers sell land because they are not making profits from farming and we are all to blame as we demand cheaper and cheaper food a good case in point is milk. Six pints of milk for £1.48 it should be £2.48 and then farmers just might think twise before selling the same applies to most food production the only farmers making money are those who run large high teck farms. You could ...

There's no parking so i would imagine it's use is limited.

18 Nov 2015

The item on the beach had been reported as possible ordinance, the problem with the happy hut is that nothing has changed in 25+ years its as though the problem has become a acceptable part of the Dawlish scene.

So do we find out about this scam or is it answers on a postcard ????

A certain Mrs Thatcher gave council house tenants the right to buy if one thing started this sorry mess it was that piece of legislation.

The point is that affordable housing should be 20% less than market value and its not, the second point is that a percentage of new builds should be affordable and there not, third point planning was granted on the understanding as per goverment guidelines that a percentage will be affordable for local residents ie: first time buyers in Dawlish or am i also missing the point Lynne