This has nothing to do with climate change, it is all about building houses without investment in infrastructure and we must not just accept it. If TDC allow another 1000 houses to be built without ensuring that there is a proper framework plan in place that all parties have agreed to, and that plan must start from the building of the link road from the Sainsbury's roundabout this will ensure that all necessary utilities can be put in place. In addition this is the only way that the site traffic can be kept away from the schools in Elm Grove Road.
There has been site traffic passing the Schools for over a year the only problems have been parents who think its ok to park on double and single yellow lines. Now with a increase in population of over 350,000 people per year we need houses and have no time to pussy foot about the goverment wants these houses built and anyway Mr Cameron say's Teighnbridge is a bright light showing other authorities how it should be done .
Well said Ken.
And the TDC Planning Committee is beginning to see things that way also. This is the opening text of the refusal notice issued on 30th November for one of the smallest developments on the DA2 site at Dawlish (ref 14/01577/MAJ - an Outline Application for 35 homes) despite the recommendation for approval by Teignbridge's most senior planning officer:
"1. Policy DA2 of the Teignbridge Local Plan 2013-2033 has a requirement for a comprehensive landscape and design-led masterplan for the strategic site allocation to ensure that the site is planned as a whole. The application site comprises an important proportion of the strategic allocation and the masterplan (to be known as the North West Secmaton Land, Dawlish (DA2) and Dawlish Green Infrastructure (DA6) Development Framework Plan Supplementary Planning Document) is currently in draft form. It is therefore considered that the application is not acceptable as the required masterplan has not yet been fully considered or adopted by the Council and there is therefore no sound basis for concluding that the key infrastructure for roads, wildlife and community facilities for the site and the wider allocation have been properly planned"
Sorry Leatash,
While few would disagree we need more houses, you are swimming against the growing tide of public opinion on how and when they should be built here. I do not believe David Cameron would wish for road safety or public health to be compromised any more than anyone else. He may have given a cheery pat on the back to those who helped bring forward Plan Teignbridge, but he will know little about the pain being felt in its implementation.
Gary Taylor
Not, strictly speaking a DA2 planning application but as it is a near as dammit one I thought
I would post about this planning app. on this thread. It is on the TDC Planning Committee agenda on 15th December.
15/02018/MAJ, Land at Secmaton Lane, Dawlish - Approval of reserved matters for six flats and eight dwellings with associated parking and ancillary areas pursuant to 12/01147/OUT (approval sought for access, scale, layout, appearance and landscape).
These should never have got outline, these are infill and are not needed they are going totally block the area and will crowd out the area. More money grabbing by the landowners who will probably rent them out at an exorbitant rent.
So........what are WE going to do about it? It's all well and good voicing opinions on here but it is action we need so............back to my original question, what are we going to do about it?
I wonder how many folk in Dawlish really care going by the posts on here about 5 or 6 you could always march from Dawlish to T.D.C on the 15th and voice your opinions
Perhaps when cars get splashed with sewage on the A379, and/or Sainsbury's gets affected perhaps then do you think more folk might start caring about it?
I think a lot of people are interested but have their own problems. I know we've got drain issues where we are (near Secmaton); thankfully since SWW took over private drains it's also their problem now but it just goes to show low quality infrastructure with mass building has issues - let's hope someone's keeping an eye on the new estates (I had to report one major sewer leak from the new estate). Personally my view is that this is also where our local councillors should get involved - voices of the people and all that.