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olive's Posts

Just look on Migration Watch website they advise the goverment. Where did you move from and why, my family moved for a better way of life. Immigration and recism are two separate issues> If Dawlish had 20 non speaking Spainish familys move in there would be the same problems as if they were Romanian its about time we stopped knocking Britain, it cant be that bad if people are queuing up to get ...

11 Feb 2008

put 30 in by mistake I was told its families new to this country. I have nothing against immigration creed or colour.As a previous posting said to be concerned about the amount of immigration to this country is not the same as being a racist. Dawlish has a huge affordable housing problem is there room in the schools for children of 20 extra families, is there the jobs If all these issues are ...

8 Feb 2008

Am a Guardian reader myself read the article in there today. Dont knock what you have. If it is that bad why does the rest of the world want to come here

7 Feb 2008

what happens if 30 families turn up and none of the kids can speak English the little resorces the schools have will be spent of language lessons etc Dawlish would need more doctors for one thing I dont care if 100 families move in the more the merrier but will those in power provide the resources. Having lived in London I know what problems immigration brings Oh and alsothe benifits. NoI wont ...

6 Feb 2008

it wasnt meant to come over like that all I mean it that for the community to grow that quick there has to be the resources. I am all for new homes built a proper supermarket etc my kids moved away because there was no affordable housing bought or rented or job opportunities with proper pay.

6 Feb 2008

I am not prejudice my grandfathers family were Polish immigrants I am only concerned about our infrastructure

5 Feb 2008

I heard on the grapevine (reliable source )that there are over 20 immigrant families coming to town I have nothing against them but where will they live and work, Homeless has been very quiet lately hope she he okay and found a nice doorway

4 Feb 2008

Can anyone tell me why they cut the willow trees down by the brook on the Brunswick side they put the new pavement in to by pass them and then demoloish them a waste of trees and money what sort of cretins do we have running our affairs

Yes annon3 wrote about it 3rd Dec

4 Jan 2008

Homeless Will do that although I am not a crafts person myself if just a few of us try to stop the rot and the town going even further downhill it will be worth it.look at the kiddies playpark site its nothing to do with what happened but how it can be put right