There is a email in circulation asking for volunteers from David Force it's probably all down to who will step forward as is always the case everybody wants the Carnival but nobody wants to put in the work.
It is also worth noting that students going to PE there have no adult supervision so are all over the place many with earphones and mobiles and unaware whats going on around them.
All those parents with children at DCC consider your child attending the leisure centre to have there PE lesson and HGV drivers being paid by the load and in a hurry racing along Sandy Lane and Elm Grove Drive TDC are putting your child at risk.
I believe if the develpers were forced into building the link road they would abandon building any houses they dont want to risk huge amounts of capital they may never get back and i bet TDC think the same no new housing no dosh in there account.
Are there not details on a previos post.
Online petition can also be started on CHANGE. ORG any volunteers ?
How about Action 38 Degrees they have fought lots of battles for local causes and won most of them.
Cllr Graham Price
On the back page of the Town Crier now being delivered are all the email details for all our cllr'sand phone numbers
Maybe its time to take direct action like stopping these lorries 30 people in the road would do it that would catch there attention.