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Penny's Posts

Just had great week in Dawlish and tried some of the places you advised. Witches Bowl was really nice, friendly people and food really good. Had a great meal at the Paradise Palace ( the best naan bread we have ever tasted) Very impressed with Carvery at the Smugglers - food was great and the service was excellent. We tried to get in at the Old Brewery but both nights we tried it was shut did ...

20 Mar 2008

Thanks, I am sure we will in spite of the weather forecast.

19 Mar 2008

where is The Old Brewery not sure I have seen it before.

17 Mar 2008

Thanks for the replies, I am sure we will find something to suit. We do enjoy indian, steaks and I like fish and will try some of the places mentioned. Will let you all know how it goes and if we find anywhere that has not been mentioned - only if its good of course.

16 Mar 2008

We visit Dawlish two or three times a year but usually for one or two nights at a time. This year we are staying for a week and would like advice on where to eat in the evening, don't think I will want to cook every night.

this is a good idea. I visited Ludlow last summer and the place is lovely, old buildings with lots of character. There is a market which is on most days promoting local food and it seems really popular. As a regular visitor to Dawlish I think this would be a great attraction.

10 Mar 2008

Hope all is ok in Dawlish. Just seen the coast on the news looks bad. We have had high winds here on Severn Estuary and some fences are down but not heard of anything worse than that so far. Take Care

Benalmadena is warm in April but not very pretty more of a town really but does have a nice marina and park and you can get to other places on the train which goes along the coast. Santa Eulalia in Ibiza is nice great for families but not sure how warm it would be in April. Roquetas in Almeria is also good if a bit quiet, fantastic beach only drawback is you have to fly from London or Manchester.

17 Jan 2008

Is Dawlish ok in the recent weather, do you have any floods at all. Living in a village on the Severn Estuary I have driven thro floods on the roads but have not been flooded at home. Dawlish also has the sea to cause problems hope all is ok.

thank you everyone for your replies lots of information, transport seems good and had some good reports re doctors,leisure centre. With regard to refuse and dentists it seems to be similar everywhere. You have given me plenty to think about.