Puts our pathetic effort this year to absolute shame. https://fb.watch/nfVxjsAe3Z/
Well Helen, there was just one float and the rest of it was just a few people walking down the road. Sparks were decent, though I dread to think how much they charged to turn up.
It was by far the worst carnival procession I've ever seen. %uD83D%uDCA9
Yes. They're on holiday.
Well done to the vocal minority who insisted that nothing be put onto the sacred Dawlish Lawn. %uD83D%uDE48
Weekly income of £389? My ar$e!
@expat the current bridge is listed.
Hahaha! Priceless response Huw!
https://dawlish.com/groupmember/member?groupId=1&userId=16124 Welcome back Deedoodle. Oh, and coincidentally, Fred Bassett.
Hi David. I think Jason might be too busy nursing a birthday hangover!