Re the planning approval for an extra house in the grounds. Found this on TDC's planning website. Outline - dwelling with double garage (approval sought for access) Fayfield Fay Road Dawlish EX7 9JH Ref. No: 19/02089/OUT | Validated: Fri 22 Nov 2019 | Status: Approved Discharge of condition 5 on planning permission 16/00317/OUT for outline - Detached dwelling (approval ...
From what I understand, and despite all the hassle, it seems we now have some Ukranian guests in the town. Welcome! If you would like to know more about how to help those still in Ukraine/Poland/ and other countries then look up Ukraine Dawlish Cares on facebook.  ;
Still reading about how inefficient the UK/Ukraine refugee visa system is. You'd have thought it would be sorted out by now. Whatever can be the problem.....?
Sorry to hear about all that hassle @Expat. I agree about it being made deliberately hard. If the powers that be wanted to make it easier then they no doubt could and would. Have heard it suggested that the reason it is difficult is because the gov. believes there is a strong anti eastern european migrant feeling in this country after so many Poles, Slovakians, Czechs, Romanians etc came to the UK ...
Posting now on Eyes of Dawlish from town councillor Rosie Dawson. She says she intends putting the issue of road safety around the area of Elm Grove and Exeter Road on the agenda at the next town council meeting due to be held in February. Says for people to contact her if they wish to give her their thoughts on the matter.
Suggest also contact our Dawlish County Councillor, Martin Wrigley, as it is the County Council that is responsible for highway issues such as this.
So........when central government dictates to local government just how many new homes have to be built over a certain number of years, how is this number reached.?Do they take into account the number of actual and potential second and holiday homes in the south west?
If that playing field (The Orchard Lane site) were to be given the go ahead to be developed for housing, then the knock on effect would be to enhance any arguments that all other land put up for development in the immediate area should also be given the go ahead. That would mean, for example, most of the (presently) open fields immediately adjacent to the Countryside Park being developed. Is ...
Well, I guess there are buyers 'out there' otherwise the developers wouldn't build the houses, would they? At the moment (and it has been this way for sometime) the only way affordable homes get built is by way of developers having to provide a certain number of affordable homes per number of open market homes they build. No open market homes = no affordable housing. * And the developers ...
Click on this link and scroll down to see where Area 3 is. You'll see it is located between the Gatehouse Farm area and the land where Persimmon are building. So seems like it is Secmaton Farm. Going back quite some years I seem to remember that a CPO (compulsory purchase order) had to be threatened in ...