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General Discussion

Garden waste costs
18 Apr 2014

Seems that according to this mornings news that Teignbridge are considering charging to take away garden rubbish. Spokesman for Teignbridge talked about people composting more so does this spell the end of green wheelies??? Don't suppose it'll be long before household waste is weighed and excess charged for !

Dawlish seafront
24 Jun 2013

I think a repaint so soon after the initial overhaul just shows that we may soon have a shoddy looking station and viaduct after waiting years looking like a rusty,rundown, tired eyesore , Admittedly we had the super high tech footbridge that replaced the rusting one and not before time but I imagine this was replaced as it may have become a health and safety issue. Now I must also comment ...

Derelict House
24 Jun 2013

@Cassandra Yes you're correct as I live almost opposite and are one of the residents objecting to their various applications. First flats five stories high and then flats three stories, all obscuring the wonderful views but also totally out of keeping with the surrounding landscape. These people are extremely wealthy and haven't given up yet so there's no telling what we might end up with ...

The acclaimed Dunsford Singers are performing a concert of joyful music on Sunday 23rd June at 3pm in St. Gregory's Church, Dawlish A wonderful varied programme including: Vivaldi Gloria & pieces by Andrew Carter, Bee Harley, Henry Purcell, John Rutter & Charles Wood. Tickets: £6 and £3 for children available from 01626 867066 or at the door. Come and enjoy !

60th Dawlish Arts Festival anniversary 9th June - 6th July

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