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General Discussion

1 Aug 2008

Thank god you agree with Freedom of Speech. VOTE BNP

21 Jun 2008

For once i agree with you Viaduct, With over 2 million immigrants arriving in this country over the last 3 years , it has caused a massive shortage in housing and driven up prices.As the immigrants hopefully head back home as wages drop and unemployment rises, you will see a sharp fall in prices for houses to buy and rent.

Dawlish Gazette
17 Jun 2008

Then change who you vote for, try the Greens , Bnp, Ukip. Then you could have a Green Beach-hut and some Red,White and Blue ones. VOTE FOR CHANGE

Town Council Vacancy
13 Jun 2008

Good luck Moose, at least someone is prepared to stand up and be counted. Hopefully you will be able to change some of the corruption that goes on. Just in case someone wonders why i'm not standing. I dont live in Dawlish.

13 Jun 2008

Japper are you standing for election? No, didnt think so, because your a gutless wonder, keyboard warrior. As for me having my head up my arse, or being a councillor (Is that the best you can come out with ?) I suppose you'll have to start posting under another of your aliases, moaning about the council, yet still sit on your backside and do nothing about it.

11 Jun 2008

You lot are full of crap. You continously moan about the council and how corrupt it is , yet when you have a chance to do something about it, you come out with some cock and bull about how you will be alienated by the other councillors. So what if you are, at least you can tell everyone else what is going on. Afterall you claim that only councillors get to hear what is going on, WELL AS YOU'LL BE ...

26 May 2008

Dump the big 3 parties, its time for a change

Nail Bomb
25 May 2008

Problem is their are thousands more of them

23 May 2008

That loving peaceful religion again. Get used to the terrorists as we are being swamped by Muslims. While the LIB/LAB/CON pamper to them, looking for every vote, instaed of having the guts to speak out, then things can only get worse. The rest of Europe is starting to speak out, yet here in Britain we stay silent, knowing that if we tell the truth we will be branded Nazi, Facist, racists by the ...

Big Issue!
18 May 2008

Viaduct i finally agree with you on something. Seems to me that someone who keeps posting, has something to gain from the selling of big issue. As for them having balls , standing their all day taking abuse. Maybe they should get a job(or cant they due to drug or drink dependance). As for the Muslim sponger,just because they arent supposed to drink or take drugs, doesnt mean they dont. Their ...

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