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General Discussion

black hole, is there?
1½ weeks ago

Todays vote just shows the real Labour Party. They don't give a dam about Pensioners , due to very few voting for them nowadays. Only 1 Labour MP had the guts to stand up to Two Tier Keirs dictatorship. All that hot air blown by Diane Abbot and Co and they didn't bother voting, because they knew they would be expelled. The savings made are a drop in the ocean . The only thing it has done is create ...

Huge demand for cash last week when everything crashed. Alot of  cash machines around the country are still being emptied as soon as they are filled. On Sunday I found a machine that was just dispensing only £5 notes , with a long Q. The whole episode was a major warning to those that think a cashless society is the way forwards. If the bank cards go down and apps go down you are up a creek ...

Can he not be forced to stand down if a certain number of constituents sign a petition or is that only for an M.P. Can't believe people actually voted for this clown. You reap what you sow.

Worldwide scam. I can think of 1 . Covid

Maybe Mp Wrigley will continue in the vain of his Leader who acted like a complete clown through the whole election. Maybe a waterski from Teignmouth to Dawlish , paragliding from Haldon Hills , paddleboarding at Shaldon and rock climbing at Coryton. If it wasn't for everyone wanting to get rid of the Tories , the Liberals would have been decimated. Tactical voting won seats and nothing else. Why ...

Not sure where you found the article regarding 3 Greens . All the articles mention 20 Greens , 4 immediately stood down and 16 remain under investigation. The Times , Guardian, Spectator , ITV , BBC are the 1st 5 articles . Haven't found a single story mentioning 3. Unless you mean the 3 local councillors kicked out the party for anti semitism, for calling all Jews Nazis.

4 Jul 2024

Todays Sun and Telegraph urge people to vote Labour and you say the mainstream media is right wing. Google Green candidates facing investigation for racism and anti semitism and you will find it in all newspapers and news stations. As for blaming the press for an anti semitism agenda, that s like blaming the press for using the race card on the right. As we are all racists for mentioning ...

4 Jul 2024

I think you will find Labour and The Greens have had far more problems with Racism and Anti semitism than Reform. 3 candidates in a party that very hastily had to get candidates together for the election and a press that has spent weeks digging into the past of every one of them. The Greens have 16 candidates under investigation yet decided to do nothing about it. Labour also have the same problem ...

3 Jul 2024

Like you say Steve , anybody they don't agree with gets labelled racist or far right. Yet they are the ones that try to get anything or anybody they don't agree with banned, sacked, cancelled or closed down. They are the real nazis, bigots, anti semites . Luckily the people are awakening in the UK just as they are across the EU.

3 Jul 2024

Blimey if Reform are the NF then Labour must be Hamas, the Conservatives ISIS and Lib Dems , a version of Humpty Dumpty Party and South Devon lot the Monster Raving Looney Party. Its amazing how the looney left think that shouting nazi and racist at anybody they don't agree with makes them right. It's what amazes me when people say they are voting Labour, a party that doesn't even except the ...