I think this bot needs to be rebooted. It’s making no sense. Anyway, “you lost, suck it up buttercup” (as you lot thought was hilarious to write in 2016).
@b.o.liking would rather get even fatter than save human beings. You’re utter scum. Thank god the likes of you have been consigned to the dustbin of history.
Ignoring the misinformation (lies) re Leeds and London, the truth is that Parliament is more concerned about fixing the 14 years of mess left behind by the Tory charlatans and thieves.
Puts our pathetic effort this year to absolute shame. https://fb.watch/nfVxjsAe3Z/
Well Helen, there was just one float and the rest of it was just a few people walking down the road. Sparks were decent, though I dread to think how much they charged to turn up.
It was by far the worst carnival procession I've ever seen. %uD83D%uDCA9
Yes. They're on holiday.
Well done to the vocal minority who insisted that nothing be put onto the sacred Dawlish Lawn. %uD83D%uDE48
https://dawlish.com/groupmember/member?groupId=1&userId=16124 Welcome back Deedoodle. Oh, and coincidentally, Fred Bassett.
Hi David. I think Jason might be too busy nursing a birthday hangover!