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General Discussion

Whilst I certainly would not feed my dog from a saucer in a cafe, I must stand up for Marilyn's right to allow dogs (with 4 legs) into her cafe. Contrary to popular misapprehension there are no hygiene risks and so long as the animal is well trained no disturbance to other customers. It saddens me that some people are so anti dog when walking around Dawlish you see so many discarded ciggie ...

Where is the Linhay centre?

I think you'll find that it is an offence not to clear up after your dog rather than it being an offence for letting it poo. There is a difference. And Tesco building on the playing fields? I don't think so!

I've always had a dog - don't know that I've ever come out in a rash on my face.

Puppys need constant attention and need to bond. Why not get a rescue dog instead that does not mind being left on its own. their are plenty out their. Puppy is the wrong way to go

24 Jul 2007

Whats the point in buying a puppy if your going to be at work most of the time. Either stay home with it or walk someone elses.

Dogs on beach
14 Apr 2007

If you read the sign obout dogs not allowed on certain parts of the beach i think you will find the area you refer to are may to september. However the council have put a sneakie sign at Dawlish warren saying no dogs on the beach from April to September. I walk my dog quite regular along the strech of beach you refer to and always clean up if necessary and have seen many other dog owners do the ...