I'm just pointing out Mrs C's true nature, I couldn't care less if you have a problem with that.
It was not 30 seconds Mrs C, I read it some time later. Another lie from you.
The point is, Mrs C, your follow-up post to the one that you deleted contained a downright lie. Your deleted post actually stated that the three questions were very good questions, and that perhaps a councillor from the planning commitee could answer them. I can see in future that I will have to start taking screenshots of your posts, just to be able to prove what a lying, deceitful person you ...
@Mrs C In your now-deleted post you did not observe that the questions were strange, far from it. But as you have a habit of deleting posts we can't really argue the point now.
The feeling is mutual, Mrs C.
What a moronic comment. Do you actually understand what Brown did to decimate the pensions?
And Gordon Brown was responsible for decimating the pensions of millions of people. The collapse of final salary pension schemes in the private sector can be directly attributed to his actions in 1997.
There is, of course, the little matter of £23,000 being flushed down the pan to pay for the ill-fated woodlouse proposal. I wonder if people will remember that when they place their mark on the ballot paper.
The application is for the controversial "Statue of Happiness". Planning application is on the TDC website: http://gis.teignbridge.gov.uk/TeignbridgePlanningOnline/Results.aspx?Type=Application&Refval=15/00716/FUL
Report away Emopitt if you feel like that. I intimated the poster was a homophobe because I believed their post to be of that nature.