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General Discussion

Pics today 28 01 2017
28 Jan 2017

Mini Golf Mystery
25 Jan 2017

Unsafe mini golf, what a joke. It sounds very much like the lame excuse they used for the victorian shelter, that was demolished, after the Theatre in Teignmouth was rebuilt. As others have stated above, and I have witnessed myself on many occassions, most cyclist's continue to hold up traffic on the road when there are cycle paths available. Margaret Swift sums this farce up perfectly. I ...

Pics today 23 01 2017
23 Jan 2017

@Warrior - what new road layout? where?

@DC24601 - i'm sure there are quite a few people who don't use the entire capacity of their bin up each fortnight, but there is a considerable number who do. This volume of rubbish sitting outside people's home will become a health/fire hazard, especially during the summer months. Although the main issue is the fact that we pay for this service and others which have been steadly declining in ...

19 Jan 2017

I'll be building an incinerator in my back garden this summer.

19 Jan 2017

@Dil - a good point, from what i've seen the coach passengers would have to cross the new extended section of pavement. i believe this new extended section is for the thousands of cyclists that will beseige our town during the summer with immense amounts of money to spend in dawlish. Maybe they will be painting small zebra crossings across the new extended section so the cyclists will stop for ...

Snow in Teignbridge
13 Jan 2017

Excellant, at last we are making forward progress.

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