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General Discussion

30 Jul 2008

Read previous thread properly you dullard! The only thing that matters is the exposure of Council malfeasance. If it's names you wish to make an issue of, explain why individual names/votes are not specified at any Council meetings? Which Councillor voted for what? Care to project your moniker passion in that direction?

30 Jul 2008

Read previous thread properly you dullard! The only thing that matters is the exposure of Council malfeasance. If it's names you wish to make an issue of, explain why individual names/votes are not specified at any Council meetings? Which Councillor voted for what? Care to project your moniker passion in that direction?

30 Jul 2008

Deluded as well! The freedom of public journalism is out of your you throw your toys out of the pram, with stupid comments. Would you rather we all fell in line, so you can continue your pathetic Council PR? Isn't that what your networking is all about? Fooling people into believing Councillors are squeaky clean? Thankfully, there are many of us who know exactly what you miscreants ...

Does it now? And how do you two know? ;-)

30 Jul 2008

If only Dawlish Town Council were as transparent as their sycophant Joey Deacon. He's like a dog with a bone regarding Council content.....very odd, especially when he proclaims he has no interest in the subject and is bored to death. Sounds like a man protesting too much, don't you think?

30 Jul 2008

Uh oh! The above looks like another posting from joey deacon/chicken shed. Someone is getting very twitchy about 'mere' rumours.

30 Jul 2008

Uh oh! The above looks like another posting from joey deacon/chicken shed. Someone is getting very twitchy about 'mere' rumours.

30 Jul 2008

It's simple! You says Council....therefore, as it doesn't interest you, there is no need for you to reply. Unless of course, you are a Councillor who wants to stop, honest, open, debate?

Greedy Tesco!
30 Jul 2008

Once Tesco are everywhere they will dicatate the prices.. they are not that cheap now! You pay for those points card you know.

30 Jul 2008

Again a post gets hijacked into Councillors. Put your boring Council stuff in 'Coucillors'.