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General Discussion

Dawlish Gazump
1 Aug 2008

Why do you keep starting new threads when there are loads on the same subject? Yawn.

1 Aug 2008

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Joey Deacon
1 Aug 2008

Great - I don't need to buy a programme now. Thanks

has everyone else noticed how this man joey deacon trys to bully everyone?

Joey Deacon
1 Aug 2008

and by the way i dont put my name cus i know who i am unlike you who has to remind himself of who he is has you have lost your identity in the big boys club you need to be part of to feel like a man. i think other people on here are saints having to deal with a moron like you.

1 Aug 2008

thats a lie as ive seen you call people a pedo on this website. i understand words but dont assume im better than anyone else because of that like you do and anyway expression is subjective. dont you realise how arrogant you are thinking your right all the time? i can see why other people find you such a jerk. you come across as smug and up your own ass. your idea of fun is not mine but that wont ...

1 Aug 2008

Notice Deacon is unable to apologise when he gets things wrong! ...but expects responses.

1 Aug 2008

what a twat you are! i can see why a lot of other people dont like you. just for your information with subjectivity comes differences of opinion which is something you dont like other people having. you talk about the carnival in a very creepy cheesy way you sound like a double glazing salesman. im not miserable so dont be presumptuous and i dont mind people enjoying themselves but i do hate ...

1 Aug 2008

Viaduct says ..'Credit cards have caused the problem'. So choice should never have been given to so many.

Joey Deacon
1 Aug 2008

doh! if you say its subjective then how can my view be narrow? you sound like a right numpty! ive looked at some of the things you have said on here and you come across as a right bully. your reply to me bangs on about business so it is clear why you are pushing carnival week. i bet your one of those who has dressed up like a right idiot. some people dont like carnivals so get over yourself you ...